Chapter 15

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Green's P.O.V.

"What is this?" Dim asked as he came back home

"What are you talking about?" I asked pretending I was the most innocent person on this Earth

"You know what I'm talking about, why did you buy a fucking piano! Almost a half of the living room is oppcupied because of it!" Dim replied irritated

"What do you want, you have your hobby and I have mine"

"But do you even know how much does it cost?!"

"Tsk, don't act like you paid, do I have to remind you that you had to beg my father for money for your music club?" I replied with an angry tone

"Ok... revenge... I understand... but why do you have to keep faking? Do you think that I'm going to believe that this is your hobby? You surely don't even know how to put your hands on it..." Dim replied smirking

"Ok... what about a bet? If I prove that I can play something I will keep it and you will grant me a wish, if I can't, I will call the shop and ask them to take it back... and I will do whatever you want... upstairs" I said, he looked at me and licked his lips, I knew that it was pretty easy to turn him on

"I accept, so, do you prefer a certain composer or I can choose one on my own?" I asked

"Why don't you try to surprise me?" he said with a mocking tone

he had to pay...but I wanted to give him hope at  first so I pretended that I was struggling with a few notes... and then...  I could easily see his eyes widen after the notes of the seond english suite by Bach started flowing like a torrent

it was so funny but I couldn't keep playing for half an hour so I just stopped after the prelude and looked at him

"So, did I win the bet my dear?" I asked smirking, his eyes were still wide and his mouth was sligthly open, I was wondering if he was more surprised because of what he just saw or anrgy because of what i could ask him to do

"How... how is it possible..." he stuttered

"I know that it was a little mean, I should have told you that I won three Bach competition when I was in middle school... listen here... I will let you choose whatever you want to do in the bedroom... but you will let me keep the piano and..."


"And you have to ask Sarawat and Tine to work for a photoshoot nexxt week"

"They won't accept it, especially Tine after you hit on him just to make him jealous" Dim replied looking at the floor

"Then why do you think that I asked you to do so? They are probably the most handsome guys in the whole campus, you asked me to work for the organiation of your concert, well, I need them for the poster, nobody will come just to see your ugly old face" I said

he looked at me with puppy eyes

"Ugly old face?" he asked

"Ok ok... not ugly... but you're surely old and stubborn" I replied chuckling

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