The Cave

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~Idk why but that is one of my all time favorite pictures of Daveed~

~I wanna dedicate this part to @Potato221B   . They were the og fan of this book and they're support of this book made me want to continue writing it, and now look at where we are! It's an honor to call them my friend and becoming your friend has been one of the only good things about this pandemic. I love you so much, never forget that.

~Y/n's POV~

The wind and rain were still roaring as Thomas and I cooked the deer in the cave over a ragging fire. 

"Thomas turn the piece over or it'll burn," I said. Thomas twisted the stick his piece of deer was on so the other side was cooking. Thomas smiled. 

"It's getting late, once we're done eating we should get some sleep," Thomas said. 

"I know, but I'm just a little worried about how we are going to sleep. Like we both know we aren't going to get any good sleep on the stone floor," I said. 

"We could put some of our clothes on the floor and make a make shift mattress? Maybe? Sorry that's my best idea," Thomas said.

"It's okay Tommy, it'll probably work. Here you set that up and I'll cook the rest of the deer," I said. Thomas nodded, handing me the stick. I held it over the fire as Thomas unpacked our spare clothes. 

"Do you think people will notice we're missing?" Thomas asked. 

"When we don't show up at Monticello by tomorrow morning, they'll probably start searching for us."

"I'm just scared. What if we're stuck here forever? What if no one ever finds us? What if we never see our kids again?!" Thomas exclaimed as he began to panic. 

"Shhh Tommy it's okay. Once the rain stops and the sun rises, we'll start to get our bearings and try and find civilization. People will also start to look for us by then. It'll all be okay, we just have to be patient," I said. Thomas sighed and sat next to me, kissing my cheek "god how do you always know just what to say?" I smiled and continued to cook the deer. 

~15 minutes later~

"Dinner is ready!" I exclaimed, handing him a hunk of deer meat. 

"Thank you my deer," he started laughing at his own joke, I rolled my eyes and tried not to laugh. 

"Hey you find it amusing, don't pretend like you're not laughing," Thomas retorted as he began to eat. I began to eat as well as the thunder boomed around us. 

"I know we're somewhere in Virginia, I just don't know where," Thomas said. 

"Well that's helpful. Virginia is massive!" I exclaimed. 

"At least we're not in fucking Georgia." 

"What do you have against Georgia?" 

"Too hot." 

"Virginia is hot too!" 

"Not as hot!" I said back. Thomas rolled his eyes and kept eating, "this is really good. You're a great chef!" 

"Lafayette taught me how to cook in the wilderness, I learned from the best," I responded as I kept eating. Thomas smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist "have I told you how absolutely gorgeous you look today?" 

I blushed "no." 

"Ugh shame on me. Guess I'll just have to tell you a hundred times then." Thomas began to kiss all over my cheek and neck while mumbling praises like "I love you." and "oh my god you're gorgeous." I blushed at all of them. 

Once we were finished with dinner, I put the fire out as Thomas finished making our makeshift beds. 

"Those should last us at least for tonight, now let's get some sleep my love," he said. I nodded and curled up next to him, falling asleep. 

~A/n I am so sorry for the lack of updates, school as been busy. I will try to update more. Anyway for this Gaga update, we look at the video of her singing at a campaign rally for Joe Biden~

This One's Mine (Sequel To Thomas Jefferson's Coming Home)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ