Two - Sorcery? Oh Goodness Me.

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Two — Sorcery? Oh Goodness Me.

I needed some air.

Someone had asked me to dance, and I had obliged. I had gone to be smart and dry, and had been, which had made more men dance with me! What was the matter with them all? I was been twirled for hours, and was becoming exhausted and a headache had began in my head. 

The man I was dancing with was arrogant and I was tempted to kick him in the shins.
“How is France this time of year?” He said. “I know lots about Paris, myself, Miss Marquis. Such a lovely charming place. Except, your French arrogance is very unattractive.”

I smiled. “Almost like yours.”

The man faltered, before he laughed and I rolled my eyes. “Oh, your a very charming little thing, Miss Marquis.”

I knew that. Blowing a hair from my face, I heard the music slow down and quickly detached myself from this man. 

“Excuse me, sir, I must take my leave.” I quickly bobbled a curtsey, before turning and darting away into the crowd.

I had to get some air.

Going to the back of the stairs, where no one was, I found a door that led outside. Relief filled me and I headed out into the night. Cold air stroked my skin, and lifted the curls on my face. It also cooled my beating heart, and the anger that had been rising in me. 

Outside, I found myself in a garden and delight spurred within me. The garden looked amazing, with perfectly cut hedges and coloured flowers that were closed in the darkness. A fountain sat in the middle of the garden, closed candle lights lighting it up. 

Dipping my hands into the cool water, I wiped my warm face and felt coolness hit me immediately. My headache dulled, and I was so glad to be out of there. So very glad.

Lucie would be looking for me in a moment, so I should be getting back inside, but going in there sounded horrid and bitter, but staying out here for a little longer sounded tempting. Sitting down on the fountain bench, I held my head with my hands.

I did not want this.

But, this is what I had been cursed with.

To be a lady and have to act like men were superior.

Bitterness filled my mouth, but I managed to swallow it down and clear my thoughts. 

Suddenly, I heard a yell from further in the garden and a flash of orange illuminated from behind the hedge. In confusion, I stood up and glided forward, going over to the hedge and peaking through the bushes. I managed to get a good view.

Two men stood across from one another. One had what looked to be a staff, while the other just had long sharp knife like nails. My breath caught, and I leaned closer, wanting to see what was going on.

The man with the staff rose it, flashing orange once more, which shot towards the man with long nails. The man swiped his nails at it, and managed to leap out of the way. I hadn’t seen the man with the staff move, but he was now in front of the beast-man and had his staff pressed against his throat.
“Where is he?” Snapped the man, sounding annoyed.

The beast-man growled. “I will not betray my master.”

It happened so fast, I thought I had imagined it. The man with the staff, flipped and the beast-man howled and fell to the ground. Now above him, with the staff pressed to his neck, the man leaned closer and said,

“Where is Abraham Warren?” Hissed the man. 

The man-beast spat seemed to realise he was truly going to die and started shaking. “I-I don’t know! He-he doesn’t tell me!”
“I do not think I believe you.”

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