Ten - And So They Were Wed.

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Ten — And So They Were Wed.

I am going to be away this week :( For monday, so I have decided to update a day early! This is a little chapter of lots of POV's, and i hope you like it ;)

A week ago, Malissa Conway had thought it was hilarious that Eli was getting married.

And then she met the women he was marrying.

It was not that she did not like Alys, because she did—the girl was amusement walking on two legs—but she just did not like the fact that Eli did not love her. And the girl did not love him. Malissa had always wanted Eli to love someone, but apparently that was too much to ask of the universe.

Now, watching the two stand in front of one another, reciting the words of the pope, Malissa was trying not to giggle. Alys wore white, and looked beautiful—as always, while Eli looked very handsome in his suit. The wedding was very small, with only Alys’s family, Juliette Auclair and a few favoured servants. Including Mr. Adornetto, who Malissa hoped she would not have to catch up on.

She disliked him.

Malissa could see her aunt dabbing her eyes, and swallowed down another laugh. And then she felt slight sadness. Her aunt had lost her two daughters long ago, and had always loved Eli like a son—so this must of been hard to see him get married. Though, Lois loved Alys, saying she had the right amount of Eli in her to tame and look after him.

Malissa did not want to admit she was right, so she didn’t.

But, she was.

Alys did not shrink under his cold stare, she bit back at him and made him frustrated beyond amusement. She had a pet tiger, who she did not fear, and she wore her hair down when she was not aloud to. She also did particular things, that Malissa had died laughing about when Eli had told her about it. Like ripping up food? Who did that?

“You may kiss the bride.” 

Malissa’s attention went to the now married couple, and watched as they quickly pecked on another on the lips—which was so quick, that it could of been a trick of the light. They stepped off the podium, and Alys was taken over by her sister—who was cradling a baby—and her herd of children. Malissa did not like children—and these ones were no exception.

Getting to her feet, she glided over to Eli, who looked annoyed and late for something.

“If you keep smiling like that, Eli,” Malissa purred, “your face will crack.”
He shot her a stern look. “Enough of that, Lissa.”
“Prepared to get intimate with Alys?” She wiggled her eyebrows.

Eli made a face. “No. And I doubt she will want to get intimate with me, either, Lissa.”
“Can you really blame her?”

A loud booming laugh made Malissa reach to her corset, so she could feel the knife which slumbered underneath.
“Malissa has a point.” Said Mr. Adornetto.

“It is Miss Conway to you.” She shot back.

He rose an eyebrow at her, and his eyes sparked with a challenge. Eli was oblivious, and was looking annoyed once again.
“I am going to be late for a meeting.”

“Then, go, I doubt Alys will mind. She is playing with her nieces.” 

They all turned and watched the beautiful bride laugh and swing her little niece around, who was trying to attack the other. Their mother, was trying to stop them from fighting, but it seemed a little hard with the baby in her arms. While their father, was frowning at them like he had already given up.

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