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"Come on, come on!" The girl shouted, tugging on her brother's hand.

Eyes as pale as the moon continued to pull down the street, wearing a dark skirt, a silky white blouse, and pretty red ribbon around her collar. Her hair that just barely passed her chin, was tied back by a violet ribbon, giving the view of her round chubby face covered in star-like freckles.

"Slow down, [Y/n]. The school isn't going anywhere." The teen stated, struggling to keep up with the girl.

"But, I might miss something important. This is a whole new place, and I need to know everything!"

The teen sighed, as they came to the entrance of the school. "It's your first day, I can assure you nothing important is going to happen."

"You don't know that. You can barely remember what you had for breakfast." She was quickly put to a halt as she was tugged back by her bag.

"Remembering breakfast is a trivial matter." The teen crouched down, so he was at her height. "You remember what not to do while in class?"

"Don't take off my sleeves, pay attention to my teachers, and don't misbehave." She listed, proudly as she tugged on the thick layers covering her arms. He nodded, patting her head.

"I'll come and get you around 3 pm. Don't give anyone a hard time." She watched as her brother began to walk away leaving her in front of the school. She turned to face the building watching as parents walked their children inside. Some laughing. Some crying.

She took in a deep breath stepping forward towards the building.

Looking around as she walked, her eyes were full of wonder and excitement at the sight of children near her age happily chatter and running around.

"Hello there." Looking up you were met with a middle-aged woman with kind brown eyes.

"You must be [Y/n] Hoshi. I'm your teacher, Mrs. Kaito. It's a pleasure to have you here." The teacher stuck out her hand for her to take. [Y/n] stared then took the hand, shaking it.

"Hello, Mrs. Kaito. It is nice to meet you."

"Excuse me, class, can I have your attention?" The playing ceased, as the children's attention fell onto the teacher and the girl.

"I would like everyone to give a warm welcome to our new student, [Y/n] Hoshi. She just recently moved here from America and she'll be with us for the rest of the year. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

She nodded, turning to the class.

"Hello, my name is [Y/n] Hoshi, it's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm from America. Please take care of me." She bowed, smiling brightly.

"Her hair is so pretty!"

"Her freckles are shiny like the stars!"

"Her eyes look like the moon!"

"Her skin looks so warm!"

The teacher smiled at the excited children, "Alright, calm down students. Let's have [Y/n] take her seat, and we can begin our lesson. How about you have a seat beside Jiro?"

At this, the class erupted with displeasure at this.

"Why does she need to sit next to her?"

"She's no fun!"

"She's always brooding!"

The girl's smile fell, "That's not very nice." She mumbled.

"That's enough, [Y/n] go take your seat. Jiro please raise your hand." A girl who sat in the way back had her hand barely raised. [Y/n] happily skipped down the row of seats, stopping at the empty seat.

"Hello! You're Jiro, correct?" She inquired.

"Yes." The small girl muttered, not looking up. She had purple hair, cut in an asymmetrical style, with triangle-shaped eyes.

[Y/n] frowned at this. Without a moment of hesitation she lifted her head, causing Jiro's eyes to widen.

"You should smile more. You have the face for it."

Jiro turned pink at this,"I do?"

"Yes, you do. Especially with your pearly whites!" [Y/n] pulled her face into a smile, making the girl laugh.

"My name is Kyoka." She stated, sticking out her hand. [Y/n] took it shaking her hand.

"I'm [Y/n], but you already know that. Wanna be friends?"

(This story is currently on a rewrite so chapters will look a bit off and things may not follow properly!)

ℍ𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕤 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕒 𝔻𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕝 (𝔹ℕℍ𝔸𝕩𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 )*On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now