-Chapter 24- The Stellar Hero Starshine

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"Why does this sewing shit gotta be so hard?" Valerie swore, as she struggled to stitch the torn costume back together. Her fingers once again getting pricked in the process. "Damn it!"

She set down the needle watching the orange colored blood became a small drop on her fingertip. "Stupid needle."

"I'm home, Mama!" A voice called out, as the front door swung open. Standing in the doorway was her only daughter with a goody bag filled with sweets and treats. Her face was painted to look like a lamb.

"Hey, little lamb." Valerie greeted, putting on a smile. "How was the party?"

"It was amazing!" She dumped her goody bag on the table showing off all the things she got. "And I won third place in the race!" She held up a dollar store bronze medal with a big number three on it.

"Third place?" Her mother smirked, picking up a small pack of M&M's. "Looks like getting chased by Nana's dogs really put in some effort."

"She has Chihuahuas and Pomeranians! And they bite!"

"Fair point." Her mother agreed, eating one of the sweets. "But then again they are good guards."

Pale eyes drifted to the costume, "Hey, you fixed it!"

"Of course, I did." Valerie smiled. "That thing wasn't cheap you know."

"Do you think I'll look like Mae Jemison?" She asked, hair flashing a specticle of pink. "Or maybe Joan Higginbotham!"

"I...don't know who either of those two are." 

"Will you chill out, Sparky?" [Y/n] requested, as she sat in her spot of the 3rd place podium. Legs crossed and hands folded in her lap as she waited patiently.

[Y/n]'s broken horn was filed down to where it wouldn't stab someone's eye out, but at the same time long enough to be noticeable. She surprisingly came out with little to no injuries despite the harsh treatment from the Katsuki.

Said boy let out several swears from his mouth guard that received no response from either of the two passive students.

Katsuki who was beside you strapped to a stone pillar -provided by Cementross- with chains and a metal restraints on his hands. A metal muzzle was around his mouth keeping him from yelling and/or biting at those nearby. And he's been like this since he woke up.

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