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Co-translator : babibubego , and By_Haruhi

2. I Will Make Sure To See Your Face

“At first I don’t who it was. Do you guys know that I have a lot of link? Just like when you fart and the smell doesn’t disappear, there was a child behind microphone come to me saying, “P’Thee, I finally found that person and the whole gang!’ I was smiling.

Beside the sizzling roast pork belly there’s also a voice of world heroes who keeps on babbling about himself. 3 young man sitting in front of the game shop eating pork, with sound fried rice next to it and sound of motorbike from student who living in this neighborhood dormitory add to the atmosphere.

“Thee, stop bragging.” Said Jack softly. Directing the chopstick to the pork belly which pilling up in the bowl, and grilled by skillfully hand, Ai’ Laem. Skillful hands from Ohranakorn (North Bangkok) which very talent from cooking, playing games as well as his dirty mouth during the war games with others, he will never be defeated.

“What’s the matter with talking while eating, huh? And why you are so quite? Did your depression recur?”

Thee rise his eyebrow at his close friend since high school who suffered from depression caused by a lot of stress and family problems as well as minor problems that normal people like him could not understand.

Thee thought it was difficult to fully understand this disease. He tried to calm him down in various ways but it was useless. His friends also do not understand about Jack's disease.

But he searched for information via the internet, twitter and Facebook, because many people shared it there,
‘If you have a friend who is depressed, you shouldn't try to do anything. Don’t calm him down; don't try to ask him to be strong. Don’t tell him he's strong, because that won't help him.

You just have to be beside him. And trying to talk about something else, so he doesn't get too caught up in his own depression. So that your friend will feel better.’

He had never had this disease, so he didn't really understand. But when Jack had a relapse, people who called as a friend will take care of it, isn’t that so?

‘I want to die’

‘Will you die when the Marvel series is not over yet? I just asked.’

‘Well, I can’t die yet.’

‘When there is an epic series and you die, your spirit will wander around asking to watch that series. If they have sense and sees you coming, it will cause trouble for them as they need find a monk, don’t trouble other people, Jack.’

‘Wow! I never think about it! Thank you so much for making me aware.’

‘You’re welcome.’

Maybe that's an example that isn't quite right, but at least it can help a friend who has depression to wake up and come back to life. So that Jack doesn't have to put on a sad face anymore. Many people know that depression is an unpredictable disease. Maybe he looks like a normal person, laughing, smiling, sad, but there is more sadness stored than ordinary people.

“It’s nice when you doing well, right?”

Laem enters the game shop and calls the owner who also played ROV but never finished it until the end.

“I was not very close, why you don’t sit with me since yesterday?” Tubtap murmur while frown at his screen phone seriously.

“Playing games and losing because I'm not on the team, what's good about it?” The sharp words of Ai’Laem never concern about the level even when he’s the youngest.

“There will be someone who opens the mic to curse at the other team. Three, two, one….”

“Oh! Come on in! Are you going to farm to raise money to feed your family? What a bastard!!” said the owner of the game shop near university who had a fat body, actually open the mic to curse his teammates.

The Gamer and his awkward boy (English Translation)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα