Chapter 2

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There was a sliding sound, and Harry was instantly awake. It was Draco again, pushing a tray beneath his door.

"Wait," Harry said, almost too loudly. Had he sounded a bit desperate?

He stood, and wobbled enough he had to brace a hand against the wall.

"You aren't that well yet, Potter. I left you another potion on the tray."

Harry sighed. The pain had returned every few hours, waking him, and he had been glad to have the potion last night.

"Did you have a question?" Draco said, his feet braced far apart, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Where are we? Why did you bring me here?" Harry blurted out, the main questions on his mind all night.

Letting out a huff, Draco picked up the empty tray from Harry's supper. "As if I'd tell you."

He spun on his heel, marching away with a stiff, proud posture that Harry was far too familiar with. It was how Draco always looked after they traded insults at Hogwarts.

Sighing, Harry picked up his tray and took a pull of potion first, needing the relief. Then, he dig into the breakfast.

After months of camping with Hermione and Ron, it was wonderful to have well prepared food. French toast, bacon, maple syrup and juicy oranges. It all vanished, almost by magic, and he was soon sipping his tea, hands wrapped tight around the warm mug.

What could he do? Explore the cell to see if there was any way to escape? Loose bars or stone blocks? He doubted it, but he needed to know. Without his wand, he had few other options.

Of course, Draco seemed to be bringing him his meals, likely three times a day. Could he work on Draco? Get him to let him go somehow? Lure him close and grab his wand? Were there keys for the door or was it unlocked with a spell?

If he couldn't physically attack Draco, could he convince him instead? Work on his good side? Did he have a good side? Was that why he hadn't identified Harry to his family?


The morning seemed to drag. After eating, Harry tried to nap but did not feel that sleepy. He explored the cell, feeling over the walls and the iron bars. It was solid and surprisingly clean. Had the house elves been down here before he arrived, cleaning it for Harry's arrival?

Harry washed his hands after completing the search, and with a shrug, stripped down and washed as well as he could. There was no towel or facecloth, but he managed with the warm water, soap and his hands. He cringed pulling his dirty clothes on over his damp skin, but it was the best he could do.

He paced the cell, thoughts coming faster now. What were Ron and Hermione doing now? Dobby and Luna? Had they notified the Order of the Phoenix? Were they trying to find him even now? Could they trace him? Would Dobby be able to help him escape here like at the Manor? Wards didn't seem to work against house elves. The Malfoys had seemed so shocked by Dobby's defiance that perhaps they hadn't warded this castle against them?


"This is intolerable!"

Draco screwed his lips together as he pushed the lunch tray under the door. "The food? I thought it was pretty good." He picked up the breakfast tray, it's dishes completely empty. He gave Harry a mocking look.

"Are you just going to keep me down here? Alone, in the dark? It's inhumane! It's against the Geneva Convention!" Harry grabbed the full lunch tray and set it on his bed. He didn't want Draco to have the chance to snatch it back.

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