Chap. 1- Acceptance Letter?!

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"I GOT IT!! I GOT IT!!!" Shouting excitedly, a young girl races through the doors of a small house in the woods. (Small, really?!) She pauses for a moment to take off her shoes, then tears through the house in search of her family. The house belongs to her uncle, and she is staying for a few weeks with her parents.

She skids to a stop in front of the dining room, hearing voices inside. Pushing open the door, she skips excitably inside, brandishing a letter.

Sitting around a low table in the center of the room are her mother (Meifeng Sohma), father (Xianliang Sohma), her uncle Shigure, her two cousins, Yuki and Kyo, and their live-in tenant Tohru Honda. When she enters the room, they turn, Kyo grumbling about the noise.

"What did you get, dear?" asks her mother. She and the other adults are holding small, hand-crafted mugs of tea, although some can be seen spilled on the table, as a result of her daughter's sudden entry.

"Yes, what did you get?" Shigure smiles, reaching out to tweak Kyo's cheek.

"Ooow! What the-" He stops at a stern look. "...Sorry."

Breathing unevenly as a result of her sprint, the girl holds out the letter. "My... letter... came... to... day," she gasps.

"What letter? Did you write someone?" Shigure takes it from her trembling hand and begins to open it.

"Kind... of..." She swallows, then goes to sit down. Shigure moves over, making room. "You know how... I'm going to highschool soon?" Everyone nods. "Well... I did some research on high schools, and found one that might be interesting. So I applied, and now..." She gestures happily.

A ripping sound is heard as Shigure opens the envelope. He studies it, then clears his throat. "Ouran High School... Hmm... Looks like you applied to a pretty fancy school." He looks at his neice, who is bouncing up and down next to him. "Are you sure? Seems like a pretty prestigious place..."

"I'm sure! I'm definitely sure!" A smile lights up her face, making it even brighter than before. "Now, if you'll excuse me, school starts in a month and since it's in Japan, I have to go pack!" She rises and skips off.

Silence at the table- "Wait. It's in Japan?! What the heck?!" Kyo gestures wildly. "What was she thinking? She's going to go to school across the ocean?! Does she even know Japanese?!"

Meifeng smiles and gets up from the table. "I'm sure she knows exactly what she's doing. At least, for the most part." With that, she follows her daughter upstairs.

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