chapter 1: arriving

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hey my simps

none of the art is mine I can't draw for the life of me  so ya 

I am Bolin's twin sister the boys and I never got along. they were always closer to each other than with me. I was always the odd one out. they never let me do anything with them. even pro-bending they would barely let me took weeks of begging even for them to let me come on this trip. we were in the south pole with Korra. Korra and I weren't really friends we just hung out cause she hangs out with the boys. The boat opens and two beautiful people get off they have a great aesthetic. "Wow who are the lovely ladies," Bolin says with an interesting expression." that's Eska and Desna, Desna's a guy," Korra says. Bolins smile drops" oh I knew that, which ones Deasna. I make eye contact with Eska and have to break away.

 I make eye contact with Eska and have to break away

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I just hope he does not ruin my chance to date one or both of them

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I just hope he does not ruin my chance to date one or both of them." Eska and Desna are my cousins" Korra said.

"Avatar Korra nice to see you again," unalaq said.

I spaced out after that not wanting to hear it. They seem to be having political discussions. all i can focus on is not making eye contact with Eska or Desna. which I failed miserably at the have such piercing stares its intimidating, to say the least.I get uncomfy I am normally really good at staring contests but I guess not today.

time skippy to the festival

we were walking around the festival and my feet hurt. honestly, it was kind of boring I would have had more fun napping and that's saying a lot I hate naps. when I saw them, Eska and Desna they looked good. I can't imagine how hard Eska must work on her eyeliner. it is almost flawless my hands could never have to do eyeliner stamps. I walked over quickly before Bolin could even get over there. I smile as I walk over trying to look nice people always think I am nice if I smile.

"hi, my name is Bianca," I say sticking my hand out. They stared blankly at me it makes me feel stupid and I pull my hand back." I really like your guy's outfits," I said trying to start up a conversation. trying to get away from my earlier embarrassment."I think it is trying to bond with us, "Desna said. i guess they don't have many friends,I mean he is right that is what I am trying to do. most people wouldn't act like that but I guess being royalty they must not need friends.I decided I am going to change that. "we will make you ours" Eska says grabbing the front up to my sweater and pulling me by it. "yes please" they grabbed both grab my sweater and pull me along.

we walked around for a long time playing games chitchatting, to be honest, I was the one talking but I didn't mind. I never really get to just talk somebody's always trying to talk over me or tell me what I am saying is wrong. soon enough the festival ends and I am led back to my tent I almost pass out on the spot. I hadn't realized how tired I was but I guess fliting will do that to you.

I was awoken by naga howling she rarely howls lie that so something must be very wrong. I run out of my tent to see both my brothers being thrown across the snow. they let out loud groans and I sprint over crouching down next to them. we may not get along but there are still my siblings. that's when I notice what they had been thrown by it was some large dark spirit. it was terrifying I had never seen a spirit like that sets me on edge and I suddenly want to level the south pole. I felt two hands on my shoulder they were cold but not unwanted.I could use some comfort right about now "we will protect you our feeble turtle duck" they said and it made me feel safe and loved which I haven't felt in a long time.

and true to their word nothing ever laid a hand on came close I couple of times but they would always lead it away. soon enough unalock came and water bend...spirit bend  I don't know I had never seen it down before." thank you so much" I gave them each a kiss on the cheek. they didn't seem to like it very much and I make I mental note. Eska and Desna don't lie check kisses." of course our feebly little turtle duck".they say and I don't know how I feel about being a feeble turtle duck." everyone gets some sleep you'll need it for tomorrow " someone shouts and I headed to my tent. I try to sleep but nothing really works

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