Chapter 8

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Morning came far too quickly and with the sun peaking in through the windows I almost forgot I was sleeping in a room right next to Archer. The keyword being almost. As soon as I was conscious enough to be considered awake I rolled over to find a large dark figure sitting in the chair next to my bed.

"Holy mother of heck!" I screamed as I pushed myself in the complete opposite direction of the figure, resulting in me landing on the floor.

"Rise and shine champ. Aren't you a delight in the mornings." Archer cooed from the chair as he reclined nonchalantly.

"You fricktard!" I berated him, "what makes you think you can just walk into my room while I'm sleeping!"

"The door was unlocked." He replied.


"Okay, well I can see how much fun you must be having but kindly frick off and get out." I clung to the thin bed sheet I had pulled to the floor with me and tried to keep it wrapped around myself since, well how do I say this, I sleep in the nude.

"Mommy wanted me to wake you for breakfast." Archer continued, putting sarcastic emphasis on the word "mommy".

"Oh right right, so could we get to the part where she told you to come into my room unannounced, then sit in my chair while I slept like a creepy stalker, and then scare the living heck out of me?" I ticked off on my fingers and Archer rose from the chair, approaching me until he was so close all he'd have to do was lower his head and our lips would touch. My breath hitched in my throat.

"You know, you can act like you don't want me all you want," he began in a husky tone, " but these," he gestured brushing his thumb against my burning cheeks and then sliding it across my bottom lip, "tell me otherwise."  He smirked at me as he left, closing the door behind him.

My face burned as I turned towards the giant mirror on the wall and sure enough, my face was completely red.

I hate myself. No, no, I hate him. Stupid smoking hot devil.


Breakfast was set out all over the dining room table. Millions of muffins and pastries and bagels and fruit. My mouth watered at the sight. Far be it for Charlotte to do something so decadent when she had guests over. This breakfast had Charlotte written all over it. I grabbed a piece of bacon shoving it down my throat.

"Don't you have work to do or something?" Archer scowled at me from across the table.

"Not that it's really any of your business," I began between bites of grapes, "But it is in fact Saturday today and I am in fact not employed on the weekends". I smiled menacingly at him. Ignoring the redhead cluelessly sitting in his lap.

"Didn't anyone ever teach you manners? No one needs to see the wine mush your making in your mouth." He retorted. Looking disgusted with me. My anger began to boil up and before I knew it I was obnoxiously chewing grapes with my mouth open just to show him all the wine I was making.

Yeah. That'll show him. * Self-high five*

"you're uncivilized." he commented, shaking his head at me in disinterest. I sneered at him in response.

"So babe, I was looking at some things around town and there's this cute boutique I want to check out. Will you come with me?" Adriane pleaded batting her eyes and I couldn't hold back the snort that came from my throat. I tried to cover it with a cough but was still met with Archers piercing glare. I can't help it, something about picturing brooding Archer in a cutesy little boutique is extremely humorous.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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