Chapter 6

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My hair plastered to my back as the water caresses me, tracing lines down my bare body. I hug my knees tight to my chest and clasp my hands together to stop the shaking. Ever since Braydon came into my life, the panic attacks had mostly stopped. The dreams continued to torment my nights endlessly but it seemed in the face of my ruthless protector Braydon, the attacks were just mere memories. In his absence though, they have become braver, stealing me from sleep and throwing me into a panic so strong, it feels as though I was flung down a flight of stairs.

Air rattles in my lungs as I fight through the water to find oxygen that might inflate them once again. I place one shaking hand over my heart to feel the rapid beats and close my eyes to focus on deep breathing to soothe the much too fast rhythm.

Once my heart rate returns to normal, I push myself to stand under the water with shaking legs. I twist the nozzle off and then reach my arm out to grab a towel. I towel off and then pad my way into my bedroom. I sigh glancing at the time on the clock which reads 4:17 am. Knowing I don't have enough time to sleep before having to make my way to work, I instead grab some of my school stuff and make my way to the kitchen table.

Because of the kids having so much energy and my current lack of sleep each night, studying for finals has been proving harder than anticipated so I've been taking every chance I can get. Even if that means studying at 4 am after a major panic attack because you don't have enough energy to soothe yourself back to sleep for the third time that night.

God, I love my life.

After a few hours of painful studying and lots of coffee drinking, my phone chirped and I was alarmed to find it was already time to go to work. Quickly I packed up all of my usual things and jumped into my car, making my way over to the Schuyler house.

As I approached, I was surprised to find a very familiar-looking motorcycle parked next to a sleek-looking black car.

"Crap." I murmured to myself, dropping my head against the steering wheel. I had forgotten Charlotte said Archer would be staying for a while.

"Crap. Crap. Crap." I continued to mutter, throwing a few punches at my dashboard here and there. This day just kept getting better and better. As if I didn't already have enough issues at hand, why don't we throw a bad boy who can't decide what he wants and keeps messing with my head into the mix? yeah. that sounds like a great idea.

I sighed heavily as I forced myself out of the car and rushed through the front doors. I open the doors so quickly I almost run straight into a leggy redhead who was standing near the other side in the foyer.

"Oh, jeez I'm sorry." I apologized and she smiles politely at me, waving it off.

"Saylor dear! I'm so happy you're here and it looks like you've met Archer's girlfriend Adriane already." Charlotte chirped from the top of the stairs.

I'm sorry. Come again? His what now? You have got to be hecking kidding me.

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you!" I addressed her, plastering a fake smile on my face and doing my best impression of a Beverly Hills housewife. I shook her hand, taking note of the dainty jewelry that hung from her wrists. Suddenly I became very self-conscious of my straggly "I haven't slept for days" look.

"Alright, well, I have got to get going but I wanted to make sure that I got to catch you Saylor, and let you know that the boys got electronics taken away for the rest of the day. They should all be ready to go. Oh and Adriane it was so nice meeting you, Archer is just finishing up making the bed for you two and then he should be right down. Alright, well I will see you, girls, later!" Charlotte exclaimed before rushing out the door, slamming it behind her. 

Pause. did she say, "for you two" as in for the both of them? this must be some twisted joke.

"Alright, well I'm sure Archer will be down to collect you soon but I have to get the kids to school. The kitchen is just through there if you'd like to sit and wait rather than stand over here. I will be back soon." I smiled politely at her.

"Thanks, the kids seem really great!" she smiled back and it took everything in me not to punch her straight in her stupid bright-looking face. I mean she was the definition of beauty. Taller than me and longer hair than mine and even a prettier smile. I could not find one single flaw.

"Yeah. They're great." I clipped, the plastic smile still painted on my face. Then I quickly called the kiddos and turned and left before she had the chance to compliment me or something. Then it would be impossible to hate her. I could hate her right now because I didn't know her so I could pretend she was some perfect evil witch. But if she turns out to actually be nice, I know I'll be screwed.


Later that night Charlotte had requested I stay for dinner but I eagerly declined, just wanting to be home and rid of the awfulness that seemed to follow in Archer's wake. Especially after all of the face-sucking I had to pretend to ignore as I cleaned the house, paying special attention to every surface, Archer placed Adriane's ass on.

the car ride was relaxing since my aux cord was temporarily broken so the whole car was filled with silence and the quiet pitters of gentle rain as I rode down bumpy back roads. I sighed in relief as I pulled up outside of my apartment building. I rode the elevator and approached my apartment door when slight squelching caught my attention.

I glanced down at the floor to find a decent amount of water pooling at my feet. The most alarming part was that the water was coming from underneath my apartment door.

Well frick.

I gasped in panic as I realized that my apartment door was also open, with lights on inside. As I quickly approached, I pushed open the door to find the apartment building's manager half underneath my kitchen sink.

"Oh my gosh! Joey what happened!" I exclaimed as I glanced at the mess all around my apartment. the room had already started to smell musty and damp because of all the water leakage.

"One of your pipes burst. there was a clog on the floor above you and I guess it caused this one to go. I got a call about an hour ago from the neighbors that there was water coming from under your door so I rushed over."  he informed me calmly.

"Oh, well thank you so much. This is going to be a pain to clean though." I calmed slightly, letting the information sink in.

"Well don't thank me yet because you can't stay here while we fix it. I have a crew coming in a few days and I've asked them to fix it but you can't be here while they're in here and the mess is pretty bad for the floors so I had to get a cleaning crew to come in too. You can leave all your stuff but nothing can be on the floor and try to pack up or lock all valuables away."

Um, okay, did I happen to walk under a ladder without knowing it or something because actually screw me.

"What! why can't I be here!" I asked, panic set in. "Joey where am I supposed to go?" I continued.

"Sorry Saylor, I don't make the rules. You can go grab clothes but then I have to lock up and get them ready for the crews to come in."

"Alright, I'll just be a minute." I conceited as I headed to my room, I packed all my school stuff and about a week's worth of clothes and some toiletries then I headed back out to my car, saying bye to Joey and thanking him again. I couldn't be mad at him when he'd only ever been good to me and I knew this wasn't his fault. Just again some bad luck on my part.

I racked my mind on places I could go to. I thought about a hotel but I didn't really have the money at the moment. especially with Braydon leaving me high and dry. There was only one place where I knew I could go and be welcomed, though that was the last place I wanted to be at the moment. I continued to try and think of any other possible solution but with none left, I turned on my car, sighed heavily, and made my way back towards the Schuyler home.

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