Disappearing Act

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"Chloe. Chloe! CHLOE!" Someone is shaking my shoulder and calling my name. I groan and attempt to roll away.

"Leave me alone," I mumble.

"Chloe," the voice sighs, "Eli is missing."

I shoot upright and stare wide eyed at Cason, "What?" I shriek.

Cason's face is grim, "Eli is missing," he repeats tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

I glance at Zoe who is also sitting up in bed looking worried, Cason must have woken her up first.

"How can he be missing?" I know it's a stupid question, but I can't think straight.

Cason shrugs, "I don't...we think..." he pauses again and glances at Zoe, "Mom and Dad think he ran away."

"Ran away?" I whimper. Zoe is dead silent. "But...but...why?"

Cason doesn't answer, neither does Zoe. No one speaks for over a minute.

"Come on," says Cason, "Get dressed, Mom and Dad want everyone down stairs in ten. I gotta go wake up the twins, Mimi and Pop are going to come get them."

I nod dumbly and watch as Cason leaves, shutting the door behind him.

"You okay?" asks Zoe quietly.

I nod, then stop and shake my head.

"Me either." She walks to our closet and grabs a pair jeans and t-shirt and tosses them to me, before pulling out clothes for herself.

"Thanks," I mumble, my brain in over drive. I shiver a little.

"Chlo," says Zoe gently.

My head jerks up and I meet her eyes. She opens her arms for a hug and I don't hesitate to run over to her, we cling to each other.

"Memories," I mutter.

"I know," she whispers back.

I frown, "How?"

"Cason." She replies.

"Right," of course.

I pull away and swipe at my eyes, "I'm fine. We need to hurry."

She nods slowly, "I'm here...you know...if you ever..." she trails off.

I smile, "I know."


I'm eight years old and crouching in a hall closet. I flinch at the sound of flesh hitting flesh. I want to rush out and make it stop, I want to scream Cason's name, but he made me promise to stay silent, to stay safe.

It's late that same night when Cason finally comes to get me, my legs have gone numb ages ago but I didn't dare move for fear I'd be found.

I blink up at the sudden bright light. Cason has a black eye. I whimper. "I'm fine," he whispers, "but we need to be quiet."

I nod and point at the bag hanging off his shoulder.

"We're leaving," he replies

I smile a little, and nod.

Cason takes my hand and we creep down the stairs and out the front door.


"You ready?" Zoe asks.

I nod shakily and the two of us slowly make our way down

the stairs, side by side, but instead of heading out the front door we join our family in the living room.

Tyler looks as shaken as I feel and I immediately make my way over to him and wrap an arm a round his shoulder. He leans his head against my shoulder and I notice his lip quiver. "Where is he?" he whispers.

"I don't know."

The twins are loud as they dance down the stairs, oblivious to the severity of the situation. Cason still looks grim.

Mom adjusts Peyton's dress and gives them both a forced simile, "Are you excited to spend the day with Mimi and Pop?" she asks.

They both nod enthusiastically. Mom's smile becomes a little less forced. She glances at the clock, "They should be here any minute. Why don't you guys go get on your jackets and your shoes?"

They run off towards the mud room, and Mom's smile drops, "Ty, are you sure you don't want to go with them?"

Tyler stands up straighter, "I want to help! I'm ten now."

Mom glances at Dad, who nods, and then sighs, "Okay."

The twins come running back and Dad helps them zip up their jackets and walks with them over to the door to wait for our grandparents.

Peyton and Hannah begin jumping up and down when they spot their car and suddenly, I wish I was still little and could go with them.

Mom walks over and gives both me and Ty a hug. "You okay, sweetie?" she asks.

I nod and put on a brave face, but all I can think about is being eight years, cold and hungry, a runaway.

And yes, I realize that Eli is not an eight year little girl but it doesn't matter, he's all alone.

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