Maybe I'm a Little Mad

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The picture above is of Cason's character


Zoe is laughing at me, and I'm getting ready to strangle her. And yes, I know she's my sister and I love her, and all that, but she is seriously getting on my nerves.

"Shut up, Zoe!" I grumble.

"I'm sorry ... Case ... I can't ... help it!" She manages through her laughter.

I glare at her. Then at Chloe, who, at least is trying to stifle her laughter.

"Cason," Chloe says gently, "Chill out."

"I can't," I snap, "Can you guys please go get dressed?"

Zoe has managed to stop laughing now, and she squeezes my shoulder, "It's going to be perfect," she reassures me.

My shoulders slump, and I sign, "Thanks, I know I've been a bit annoying about this." I concede.

"A bit annoying?" She teases, "You've been a total nightmare!"

"She's not wrong, Case." Chloe agrees.

"It's a big deal okay, I'm nervous!"

"We know," Zoe says, and hugs me.

I sigh, and squeeze her back. "Do I look okay?" I ask them.

"You look great, Cason, just like the last five times you asked." Chloe says, rolling her eyes.

Zoe gives her a look, "Breathe." she begs me.

"I am breathing," I say, then under my breath, "I'd be breathing a lot better if you two would get dressed."

I catch Zoe rolling her eyes again, she grabs Chloe's arm, "Come on, Chlo, before his head explodes."

"Thank you," I grumble, as the leave the room. The second they're out the door I can hear them start laughing again. "I can hear you!" I yell.

"You're meant to!" Yells Chloe.

I sigh.


Twenty minutes later, during which time I retied my tie fourteen times, my sisters reappear, Chloe is wearing a blue dress and Zoe has on black leggings and a white top.

Zoe smirks at me, "How many times did you redo the tie?" she asks.

"Once." I lie.

She gives me one of her looks.

"Four..." Chloe crosses her arms. They're ganging up on me, "...teen." I give in. I really shouldn't be this scared of my little sisters. "And if you start laughing again, I'll kill you."

They consider for a moment and manage to resist, "Okay, you need a distraction." Zoe says, "Come on."

I shake my head, "No! Now that you guys are ready, I need to go check on the littles. Oh, and Mom and Dad! And, Eli, defiantly Eli. And then I need to check the table again, and..."

Chloe puts a hand over my mouth. "This is not staying calm."

"Let go," I growl, my voice muffled through her hand.

"If I do, will you stop obsessing?"

I nod and she lets go.

"Cason, Mom and Dad are fine, and so are the little kids, we checked on them on are way here, they are sitting on the couch, all ready, watching TV." Zoe says tiredly.

"What about Eli?" I ask nervously.

Zoe sighs, "I'll go check on him if you go upstairs with Chloe and watch TV with the littles. You've already checked the table three times and it still looks perfect. Just relax."

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