Feels Like Monday (Blaire)

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I've done it again. I've fallen asleep in the Medbay. Again. I need to stop overworking myself, but I need the escape. It's hard when your best friend in the world's dead sister's birthday is quickly approaching. Especially when you killed her.

Okay, stop it. I need my mind to stop. I didn't kill her, I know I didn't. But even though-


The new guys. I forgot about the new guys. I scramble up out of the chair and pull on my uniform, except my jacket isn't anywhere to be seen. I need my jacket. I need my jacket. It's at this moment that I start getting paged by Ari, telling me to come urgently. Of course. I need to go, even without my jacket. So I leave in my black tank top and hope my jacket appears along the way.

I weave through the ocean of personnel as quickly as I can towards the locker room without knocking anyone over and begin to hear some familiar voices. I don't make anything out except what I'm pretty sure is my name.

"What's up?" I say, walking in trying not to seem late. Even though I very much am. I can't help but notice Ari holding a jacket and feel slightly hopeful, but he hands it off to Robyn, so it won't be mine.

Robyn snaps upright so hard one of the lights starts flickering, allowing her jacket to fall from Ari's hand to the floor, and shouts,
"Commander on deck!" My eyes roll against my best attempts to hide my distaste. What's worse is that they all follow suit.

"At ease." I relent as she lowers her arm. A smug smile flashes across her face. "In fact, no... lieutenant Skylar-Andrews, attention! And you can stay like that until I leave," I say with a smirk. "Okay, I've made us all late enough, so it's probably time to get to the new recruits and kindly welcome them to the Reach... or terrify them, if your surname is Bear. Alright, Ari and Orson, you're on me. Robyn... go be not here. I'll need you to be ready for the recruits coming in here, Phoebe." We all leave and split off.

I walk with Ari and Orson, and we reminisce on our first days. Like how Ari and I knocked one of the locker doors off by trying to land his boots on the top. Or how Orson got stuck in the vents because of his broad shoulders trying to rescue a small rat. We actually had to open one of the bulkheads to get him out, because Ari couldn't pull him out by the feet and I couldn't reach far enough to grease up the sides. The captain gave Ari and Orson hell, but he barely even said anything to me. I really don't know what made him respect me, but I can't stand him. He's a horrible, discriminative man who hates Orson for his biological heritage. He should hate Orson because he's a tool, not because of his race. Jokes aside, if I had the option to follow literally any other captain, I absolutely would. I would honestly rather report to my mother. And that woman makes my skin crawl. If anyone killed Amelia Jackson, it was her. It wasn't me. I know that. If Calista Robbins ever came aboard any of my ships, I think I'd have to transfer. To another system. In the opposite corner of the universe. And she would still be a better alternative to Captain Kira. Or Fuckzen, as I drunkenly called him one time. To his face. I said it was a mistake. I lied.

We reach the shuttle bay and look around at the eager faces. Ari looks at them with a warm smile and introduces himself to the group nearest the door we came in. I put on my brightest, most welcoming smile and walk in the middle of the room.

"Hello, recruits," I start, "My name is Lieutenant Commander Robbins. You can call me Blaire if you want, I think building relationships is important. You're here today to get to know the ship and your posts. First, we're all going to go to the locker rooms. There are separate rooms for each department and sex, except for marines and air group, which are unisex. You will save yourself hassle if you find your section and an unclaimed locker as soon as you can, but if there are problems with it, I'm happy to help you later. I can usually be found in the Medbay office during hours. If there are any points about your identity or beliefs which this system may conflict with, be absolutely sure to come to me, okay? Okay. These lockers are where you'll change in your uniforms and keep all of your personal belongings that you need or want during hours. Generally, you won't be permitted to retreat to your quarters without good cause. Unless you come to me," I add with a kind wink, "So remember that your locker is your friend. Alright? From there, Lieutenant Jackson and I will take some of you to the Medbay. This includes surgeons, field medics, psychologists, and... nope, I think we all fit into those categories here. Others of you will go with Gunnery Sergeant Bear to—"

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