The Silence

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It was a gloomy day and it seems that everyone is feeling lazy to do something because of the particular weather.


(Bell ringing)

Yes! The class is over. I want to go home early to watch my favorite movie. I walked along the street and it seems no one is walking along with me besides of the people in the sidewalk. Well, I walked continuesly to got home as early as I can.

While walking, I heard something. ''Psst! .. psst! .. psst!''

I looked at my back and my surroundings but no one is in there. I continue walking and but the sound that I've heard previously exist again but it is more louder than before. I feel cold and the hair in my skin stands because of the creepy ''psst'' that I thought he/it wants to get my attention.

At that time, I run so fast. I proceed to my aunt's house because I know my parents aren't home and I decided not to be alone. I listen to music and never put myself in silence.

Be aware! Remember, someone or something exist in silence.

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