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The voice was stern, void from any emotion.

"I can't... i can't"
She couldn't do it, her legs went limp and soon she fell down no longer being able of moving a single inch away from the man looking down at her.

She knew they were all looking down at her, she hated it to the point where she could feel her head going lighter with anger.
It was like someone stepping on her, making her sink deeper into the mud, and prideful as she was, the thought of gouging all of their eyes out roaming her head wouldn't come as a surprise.

How dare they look down at her, unforgivable.

"Im not repeating myself you either move or you meet your end right here and now"

But who was she joking, there was no way in hell she could even lift up a finger, let alone get back up on her feet.
She lost controle over her body.

"Fei i really can't move"
Was all she muttered out of clenched teeth, the hate in her voice was clear, she hated the situation, hated her position, hated the way she was helplessly thrown on the ground and they all kept looking.

Did they pity her? Mock her for being this weak? Did they think they were better than her? That she's pathetic with no use?

All of these thoughts made her blood boil, and her eyes to darken even more, soon enough they would consume her, maybe then she'd be able to move, when she's no longer human.

"That's enough feitan"
His voice came from the shadows, calm but authoritative, just how did he even manage to sound like that when they were just kids.

"That's hardly enough, you're going easy on her, do you think the enemy would wait for her to get back up? She'd be dead. Your precious little eve would be dead and it would be your fault for spoiling her too much"

Chrollo knew that it was right, but hated how concerned feitan was, they both were. But unlike him he preferred to have eve resting well in their bed instead of seeing her limp body thrown like an abandoned corpse, there was no life in her face, and her black hair was made a mess out of mud and blood.

And he hated how feitan wanted to shape her into a fighter so he would have some peace of mind knowing that she should be able to protect herself in case he wasn't able to do it. She was too gentle for that, too fragile and protecting her was his job not feitan's, the thought of eve hurrying up to someone else for protection didn't sit well with him.

What if she started going to feitan's bed when she got scared of thunderstorms or when she was feeling sick?
He hated it, hated it all.

And he hated the fact that everyone was looking down at her, she was his priced possession, if anything they should avert their eyes and avoid looking even in her direction let alone dare to make her feel inferior to them.

But as all these thoughts roamed his head he didn't say a single word, he never did, he knew they were things that never should be said aloud.

Instead he approached her and gently cupped her face, not trying to lift her up or anything, she'd get mad thinking he pitied her.

"You're not obliged to do this today, you can take a small break and continue tomorrow, how does that sound to you dear?"

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