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{Let's talk about dream :))}

Clay stood outside of the cop station smoking a ciggie, clay huffed out smoke then sighs out afterwards.

He hated being the bad guy he really did, but after what Fundy went through he didn't want the same to happen to him, clay leaned against the brick building lost in his thoughts especially at the thought on why he even became a cop in the first place.

*Buzz Buzz Buzz-*

Clay looks down seeing his pocket light up, clay reaches down and grabs his phone out from his pocket and looks at the screen, clay smiles and sees the name of the caller,

♥ Georgie ♥

Clay throws Tue ciggie onto the ground and crushes it with his foot before pressed the call button and puts the phone against his ear,

" hello? "

There was silence,

" Hello! "

Clay smiled widely hearing his husbands voice " hey George, " he heard George cute giggle from the other side " hi love, how was work? " clay was quiet but let's out a fake chuckle " its… okay, and how are you my love? " George chuckles " I'm alright, " clay sighs softly " thats good Georgie. "

" When are you coming home? " clay thought for a moment " I dunno, probably around twelve or two, it depends, why? " there was seconds of silence " I'm tired thats all, you know, just the life of a stay at home dad. " clay chuckles " did toby keep you busy? "

" Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees~ "

Clay chuckles " he was crying whenever I put him down for a second, then he wants milk so I give him milk, then he wants me to carry him, he's the boss of me. " George laughs at the end " he's a papa's boy. " clay warmly smiles thinking about his one year old son.

" he is, "

Clay just smiled,

" clay? "

" yeah? " clay answered hearing his husband call him " are you okay? " clay stayed quiet " what? " " are you okay(?) You don't sound right… " clay stood there with the phone against his ear " what happened today(?) Did someone get hurt(?) Was there another murder(?) Please tell me it wasn't a child or– "

" Nonono, babe, everything's alright! "

George hums " I dunno… what happened today or what did you do? " clay didn't want to tell him what happened today, he didn't even want to think about what he did today, clay shrugs " just normal work, you know(?) Just doing stuff with dave. " George scoffs " dave… " he mumbles " I don't have a problem with you being a cop clay its just– Dave is the problem, I hate the fact that you work with the dude. "

Clay hums " but either way we– "

" I dunno clay, he's just really off, especially at the fact that his— " clay quickly cuts him off " NO(!), " He shouted making George go silent on the other side " please… just, don't bring up the fact please… " George sighs " I'm sorry I didn't mean too, but I'm just saying that Dave isn't really the guy to be a so called good cop, "

" but you don't understand what he's been going through, " George sighs from the other side " I know but what if he takes things too far(?) You saw what happened when Fundy was with him and you seen what he did to him, ever since they started working together, " clay nodded " I just don't want the same thing he went through happen to you, "

Clay chuckles " and it won't babe, I'm in perfect shape right now, and he hasn't been threatening me or anything, so I'm okay mom, " George scoffed from the other side " if he does something to you babe I'm going over there myself, " George said in a serious tone,

" Georgie no, think about the baby, think about– "

" toby, I know, " there was silence, clay raised a brow " George? "

" Clay, " George spoke now in a serious tone " if you and Dave did something stupid, I'm going to slap the living hell out of you, but if dave does something to you, mentally or physically, I'm beating the fuck out of him. "

Clay was quiet, George sounded like he was about to cause hell, clay chuckled it off " he's six foot George how is your tiny body going to fight that giant man? " clay said hearing a annoyed groan from the other side " IM NOT TH– " He stops then now says in a quiet tone " I'm not that small! " clay laughed " don't wake up the baby dumbass. " George chuckles " I know, I know. "

Clay smiles hearing his husband " clay, " " yeah? " he answered " I mean it though, if you ever come back home with a black eye and it was from dave I will know, " clay raised a brow " and how would you know that? " George smiles from the other side " because you're my husband thats how, I know when you lie. "

Clay was quiet after hearing that, when he was about to say something he heard a slight cry from the other end " oh, " clay said chuckling, there was a groan from george " toby woke uuup, since you won't be here until later I'm going to let him sleep in our bed tonight. "

" toby gets special privilege now because dad ain't home. "

George laughs " yes he does, I'll see you when you get home, or in the morning when I wake up, goodnight clay I love you, " clay warmly smiles " I love you too Georgie, and give a kiss to toby for me please. " George giggles " I'll give him a big one, bye bye love~ "

Clay blushes " bye Georgie~ "

Then the call ended,

Clay just smiles to himself, he loved his British husband so much with all of his heart, clay just sighs and leans against the building lost in his thoughts just thinking about george.

" George called? " clay jumps hearing the deep voice, he turns around and stares at a six foot male also leaning against the wall, Dave just stared out into the night, clay didn't even hear him come outside especially at the fact that he was just six feet from him,

" yeah he did, " Dave hums " hows the little one, toby, isn't it? " clay chuckles " yeah it is, and he's doing good he's just laughing, giggling, and just a big old cry baby. " Dave smiles warmly " he sounds like a sweetheart. " clay chuckles " yeah he is, " Dave nods before looking at the ground,

Clay was hesitant but he walks over the Dave and puts his hand on his shoulder making the male look over at him with a straight face " its okay, we'll find him, and put him in prison. " Dave just nods " I know, hope he rots too. " clay just pats his shoulder and leans against the wall,

" he was only 17 and that bastard killed him, "

" I know. "

" He was only a kid… "

Clay nodded, it was getting to him, Dave hand clenched and punch the brick wall with rage, Dave stood there with his knuckles bleeding. Clay stared at him not saying anything, Dave looks directly at the male making shivers go up his spine " we are going to find those two fucks and I'm going to strangle the hell out of them, "

" dave, but the other male isn't the ki– " clay was cut off " he's with him, either way they both are, " Dave said " he's running with that murderer, so I'm going to hurt their friends until they come back, or at least been found. " clay stares at him " but you can't do that dave, you'll lose your badge and after what you did to that kid you're definitely going to lose it when they find out, and that was fucked what you did! "

Dave scoffs " chill, and they won't know that it was me anyways… " clay furrowed his brows " how?! " Dave looks at him and just smirks " believe me clay, " Dave stares directly into his eyes " it won't happen. "

Then Dave turns around and walks away from the Florida man just leaving him there standing.

Clay was scared to even ask what he was up too.

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Running with a murderer (Schlattbur) (DISCONTINUED/REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now