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A 25 year old Nora Allen was pacing through the library of The Flash museum and had been there for hours, pouring over speedster literature. 

There wasn't too much on the matter but just enough for her to have more questions than answers.

"Nora, are you alright? You have been here for 6 hours," whispered the librarian concerned.

Mrs. Kestly knew of Nora's love for The Flash and had known her since she was a little girl.

The older woman would often look over Nora when she ran away from home to the museum.

She would take care of her until an angry and scared Iris came to pick her up.

"Did you eat anything?"

Nora looked up to the worried face and smiled slightly.

"Yes I'm alright, I'm just working on a project for CCPD."

Nora had recently gotten the job as a CSI for the CCPD. It was her dream and wanted to follow in her father's footsteps.

He was a man of mystery but she loved problem solving and often used it towards her mother on matters regarding her father.

Iris never spoke much of him and when she did, it was hasty.

"Did you hear about that new speedster? He goes by the name of Godspeed," breathed Nora excitedly.

Her stomach dropped hard at the thought and a deep ache consumed her wholy.

All her life she believed that the age of speedsters had come and gone but Godspeed proved that wrong.

Mrs. Kestly nodded and played with her necklace, studying Nora's expressions.

"Do you know what this means?" Asked Nora. "It means that speedsters still exist! There could be so many out there in the multiverse."

Mrs. Kestly sighed and walked closer to Nora, her face solomn.

She knew Nora's passion could get to her head and put her in danger. Trying to confront a reckless speedster could get her killed.

"Nora, promise me you won't go trying to confront him. This Godspeed is a dangerous criminal and is best left alone."

Nora frowned a bit but she knew that the librarian knew her better than to not be concerned in her desire to stop Goodspeed.

Nora forced a fake laugh and waved the air dramatically.

"Of course I won't! I'd never be that careless and stupid."

Inside the young woman fought back a smirk of amusement.

Despite voiced heeds, Nora was going to do just that.

She was going to stop Godspeed.

Destinies Intertwined (Nora Allen x Reverse Flash)Where stories live. Discover now