Nora's Request

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Nora's  stomach dropped as Eobard faced her directly, a small smirk placed upon his lips.

The Flash Museum had never showed a perfectly clear photo of him and even the holograms of him were always slightly distorted.

Now he stood before in her in the flesh and somehow strikingly handsome even if she didn't want to admit it.

The soft waves in his hair showed a slow age and skin slightly wrinkled but nevertheless, he was still attractive.

Nora tore her eyes away and looked at the yellow panels that were placed behind him as artificial light.

There was too much emotion flowing through her and she needed to collect herself before she exposed her intentions.

"Mr. Thawne my main-"

Eobard suddenly threw his hand up and gave a slight chuckle of amusement.

"Please, call me Eobard."

Nora was taken aback but she nodded and brushed some hair back behind her ear before continuing.

"Eobard, I do not know if you have seen the current events of what's happening but there is a speedster on the loose. He is hurting people and the only other person who has enough information about speedsters, is you."

Eobard began pacing with his hands clasped gently behind him and would occasionally purse his lips as if he was thinking.

"What do you think I can do from behind these bars?" Whispered the man as he gestured to the space around him.

Nora could tell that he was losing interest and she needed more time to converse.

"Look, do you know of any ways to stop a speedster through technology? Like when the Flash dampened another speedster's connection to the speedforce?"

It suddenly felt awkward that she had mentioned The Flash in front of his greatest nemesis but she didn't think about it until the words came out.

Eobard stopped in place and glanced back at the young woman once more, his eyes glinting from the lights above him.

"Nora, even if you had the technology, how would you get close enough to touch him? You'd need to have matching speed otherwise it's a suicide mission that your after."

Nora jumped a bit when she heard the warden's voice calling out in the distance which reminded her she only had 2 minutes left.

"Please Eobard, there has to be a way," she pleaded frantically.

It was as if the tables had been turned and it was now Eobard's turn to question her.

He got close to the impervious glass and stared her down almost menacingly.

"What do you know about The Flash?" He whispered.

Nora was thrown off guard but answered immediately as if she had been waiting for this question her whole life.

"I know he stopped you. I know everything about him."

Eobard let out a laugh but it almost sounded as if there were bitter tones to it.

"Everything? Are you sure about that?"

The shadows casted around his face, exposing his slightly sunken in eye sockets.

"I highly doubt that, Miss West-Allen."

The warden had now opened the barred door and called for her to leave.

"Please, Eobard I need help," she whispered frantically.

Eobard shook his head and turned his back on her.

"I can not help you, I'm sorry."

He left Nora to walk from the cell frustrated and let down.

Though in his mind this was just the beginning. He knew this was the start of a new dawn and his freedom.

Destinies Intertwined (Nora Allen x Reverse Flash)Where stories live. Discover now