Chapter 21 | Sweet Spot

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I'm not sure which of us moves first

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I'm not sure which of us moves first. I'm not sure who grabs who. But suddenly my arms are around Holden's neck and he's lifting me up by the waist and then our mouths are crashing into each other.

We kiss. We kiss like we're making up for all the time we've lost and all the times we'll never take for granted. We kiss like it's the answer to everything and I think maybe it is.

My ankles lock tightly at his back when I feel him moving, taking us somewhere. I don't really care where we're going because I'm too busy pushing my hands into his hair and tilting his head to get as much of his mouth as possible. His lips are soft to the touch but hard in the way they work mine. He controls the kiss the way he tries to control everything else in his life and I let him. I let him because it feels too good to want it any other way.

My back hits something soft as Holden sets me down. Immediately I know it's his bed because I'm suddenly surrounded in his scent. It's like he's everywhere all at once and my pulse thunders with need. I want more of him. So much more.

My hands seek out the hem of his shirt and I tug up. He meets me halfway when he pulls it off so fast I barely register that his lips left mine because they're back just as quickly. The silk of his tongue wraps around mine in soft brushes every time he takes my lips between his. He's not just kissing me anymore—he's ravishing me. With greedy lips, and strong hands cupping my face to pin me right where he wants me, and soft growls of approval coming from the back of his throat whenever a moan escapes from mine. He leaves absolutely no doubt about how much he wants me. I don't think I've ever felt so wanted.

An endless pit forms in my stomach when I feel his hands, hot and strong, sneak under my shirt and graze my skin with a barely-there touch. But it's his touch and I feel it so completely that I writhe because it's almost too much. The pads of his fingers skim up until they knock into the underside of my breasts. My nipples pebble in anticipation when he pauses.

"Are you okay with this?" He asks, voice gravelly. He's just barely pulled back to look at me and his eyes search mine for an answer.

"More than okay," I reassure him.

His thumbs sweep over the swell of my breasts, teasingly close to my nipples, and my mouth parts as a shaky breath breezes past them. Holden watches my reaction with a heavy gaze.

"I'm asking how naked I can get you."


My skin actually tingles to the point of pain. My cheeks are on fire when I make myself ask, "how naked do you want me?"

I think my question amuses him. He shakes his head as he places his knees on the bed and climbs over me. All the while his hands won't stop tracing along my chest and taunting me with the things he won't give me yet. I'm a trembling mess when he leans down close enough for me to feel the heat of his bare torso.

"There's not an inch of your body I don't plan on having my mouth on. Do the math."

Holy crap. My throat dries out. "That's a lot of naked."

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