𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛

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25k y'all-
I love you guys (σ'∀')σ
Like what did I deserve to get this far-

N e ways if you have any requests at the moment feel free to comment here, cause I have like no ideas : )

~you guys move in together, how does it go?~

-is it chaos? No.
-but is it damn close? You bet.
-the amount of furniture he has broken due to him either spiking a volleyball in the house or him jumping so high he hit the ceiling is... Too much
-thank the Lord your parents help pay the rent

-He's either in the backyard playing volleyball or he's in the bedroom exercising
-yeah sometimes he's in the kitchen but you barely see him for like half the day
-also he wakes up at 5am to go on a morning run, and doesn't come back till 7
-lowkey concerned about that

-it's pretty chill
-Yams comes over a lot and y'all just hang out
-but otherwise it's pretty quiet
-you go home, do some work, eat dinner, take a shower, watch a movie with him, and go to bed together
-nothing spicy, but he does own a ton of Dino figures that he refuses to let you touch

-sleeps like a baby
-you both just kinda alternate between chores, but sometimes he does more than you
-always asks what you want for dinner
-he owns several aprons
-your place is actually super nicely decorated like I'm jealous-

-in one weekend you guys can go from sleeping at 10pm to sleeping at 7am
-your guy's freezer is exclusively filled with ice cream and popsicles
-you two add 19 shows to your Netflix list everyday but never get to watching any of them and just rewatch parks and recreation of the 10 millionth time
-also you guys never clean up the house. Ever.

-let's be real here Saeko comes in every weekend to fix the mess that is you and Ryu's house
-so yeah your house is finally clean for that one day, yay
-I mean, you guys TRY to clean
-but ultimately you guys give up and order Chinese take-out

-he does the dad snore whenever he's sleeping on the couch
-you can hear it from the front door, it's that loud it's kinda scary
-he eats, like a lot
-"Babe, can you refill my rice bowl please?"
-sometimes he eats your snacks by accident
-don't worry he apologizes

-you guy's make really weird stuff in the kitchen
-it usually ends up tasting bad though
-he tells you to eat your vegetables
-he ruffles your hair before you guys go to bed
-unlike Daichi, he's actually really quiet when he takes a nap
-you both do the same amount of chores
-also you can't go 5 minutes in this household without laughing

-he does half of the chores in the house, because he would feel bad if you did all the house work and he didn't do anything
-he probably doesn't fall asleep until he knows your fully sleeping
-he also bought his knitting supplies over
-and yes, he owns a bible

-you see him in the kitchen at 4am doing a weird science experiment
-he helps you study a lot, especially in chemistry
-at dinner he tells you random trivia
-"hey did you know that atoms never touch?"
-and also he's super normal about doing your laundry, even if you are the opposite gender

-you guys are the definition of lazy couple
-like cooking? Who is that?
-working? Never heard of them.
-basically you guy's just order a pizza for dinner, and lunch... Maybe breakfast too
-both of you just stay in the bedroom most of the time cuddled up and playing videogames

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