𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚝 3𝚊𝚖

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Someone tell me where to watch Haikyuu S4 pt2 pls

Important note:
School has been quite the party pooper lately, I wanna prioritize school obviously, but I still wanna upload some chapters for you guys every once in a while.

What I'm trying to say is, that the chapters lately are a bit sloppy and dry, and the reason why is that school is kinda kicking my butt.

It's not that I have a big workload or anything, I'm just not a traditionally a busy and hardworking person, so the conclusion is that I'm lazy and that I can't handle more than two responsibilities at once ✌️


~He randomly calls you at 3am, and for what reason?~

-probably woke up to this really weird thought
-"Y/N 3x! Do you think BUNNIES can reproduce??"
-what the hell man it's 3am go to bed
-you probably have to force him back to bed since he refuses to go back to sleep

-asks for homework answers
-"Hey I'm doing the math homework, what's the answer to number 5?"
-".....That was due yesterday....."
-was most likely too busy training that he forgot to do his school work

-he was going to tell you something, but he thought it was dumb so he hung up
-"Tsukki, it's 3am what are you-"
-and lol he hung up
-dude why
-he was going to tell you a dinosaur fact

-poor bby couldn't sleep
-"Sorry to wake you up, I just had a hard time sleeping and I thought this would work.."
-you help him go to bed for a bit
-cinnamon roll apologizes to you the next day by bringing you tea (or coffee whatever you want : /)

-you missed his call before you went to bed and he panicked
-somehow you didn't wake up until now
-man's was trying to call you for 3 hours

-like he ate WAY too much ice cream and now he's running around town screaming
-you see him outside your door still not staying put
-just give him some decaf coffee it'll knock him right out

-he saw something bad on the news
-"Hey there's a kidnapper around our area you should be careful later okay?"
-Dadchi just wants you to be safe and well 👌
-we love a gentleman that looks out for his partner

-he calls you because he found a funny Tik tok
-sir, just send it like a normal person
-"But I wanted you to see it! Wait wait this my favorite part!"
-he bombards you with even more memes and Tik toks
-you slept at 5am that night

-he just remembered something and now he's panicking
-"Y-Y/N, I'm sorry for waking you up.. But are you mad at me?"
-"Asahi, I'm not mad at you, why did you think that?"
-"Well.. I just remembered that I forgot to compliment you this morning.. I'M SORRY GOODBYE LOVE YOU"
-.....you didn't even notice that

-he just finished his chemistry homework and called you to complain about it
-"I memorized the ENTIRE periodic table just for 18 elements to be shown!"
-add another hour of complaining and that's the call
-"Sorry if your tired I'm just angry"

-"Hey Y/N I need a partner for this game wanna join?"
-he probably didn't even notice that it was 3am
-"Kenma.... It's 3am..."
-"Oh wait it is? Ok then, do you still wanna play?"
-you ended up playing a round with him before forcing him to go sleep

-"A-am I an insomniac? I-I just read this article and I have a sign that I am I'm scared-"
-turns out it's an article about misconceptions about insomnia
-you had to talk to him for half an hour convincing him that he was ok

-he wanted to check if you were asleep
-"You picked up?! It's 3am! GO TO SLEEP!"
-"Yaku, YOU woke ME UP!"
-"Oh I did? Sorry about that.. But go back to bed! We have a test tomorrow!"
-true question is why is HE awake at 3am?

-R.i.p. Your eardrums
-you ended up talking nice about him for 10 minutes then he got happy again
-bragged to Iwaizumi about what you said to him the next day

-He stayed up watching Godzilla
-he tried to not call you because it was literally 3am who would be up?
-but lol he called you anyways, not like you would pick up-
-"Mmgh, Yea Iwa-chan?"
-hahahaha oops
-"Oh sorry for waking you up okloveyoubye-"

-Emo mode, again
-"I miss youuuuuu, can you come over? Like right now? I wanna cuddle (ಥ﹏ಥ)"
-We would all like to come over and cuddle you, but it's 3am and I have Asian parents
-You comprised by hyping him up for tomorrow
-"I can't wait to see my ace tomorrow, just a little longer ok?"

-"I-Im sorry, b-but I n-needed to talk to someone, a-and"
-he even felt so guilty about it
-"I-Im sorry for waking you up right n-now but I really- I really wanted to talk to you"
-no no no we can talk to you all night long as long as your ok

-just remembered that you borrowed his hoodie and now he wants it back
-"Yes I remembered that our still have my hoodie, please return it tomorrow."
-no ❤️
-jk you returned his hoodie later that day in class, sadly

-just finished binging Naruto
-for like the 17th time
-your probably awake too
-"I just love that one scene where Naruto and  Sasuke just- AH it's so good!"
-he's probably not gonna sleep that night

-lol he forgot to do his homework because of volleyball
-"Y/N I swear please, I'll give you sooo much hugs and kisses I won't ask for this again please just this one time"
-yeah you gave him the answers otherwise he wouldn't shut up

-he made a ton of onigiri
-"Hey Y/N I made some onigiri how many do you want? 5, 6?
-"6? How many did you make?". 
-"Uh like... 3 dozen?"
-that is 36 pieces of onigiri sir 
-he ate the most of them like how

-he forgot to clean the crevices of his couch so he's panicking
-"Y/N there might be DUST in there ew ew ew it's so disgusting."
-you could hear him grab the vacuum and just go to town on his sofa
-he reminds himself that he's gonna clean that more often now

-"Omg he just ate some chocolate from the floor, I'm scared he might not make it..."
-he was about to cry he was so sad and worried
-you tried to tell him it was going to be ok so he calmed down a bit
-don't worry the dog was ok by the end of the week

Hehe I just noticed that sometimes I miss Tanaka and Noyas order sorry bout dat
So I'm gonna try to make chapters normally now since I'm kinda getting into the groove of online school, but then again it really is 3am here so lol

Btw I had Math a while ago and I was so confident I had my answer correct but turns out I did my subtraction wrong 😀
How- how am I still alive?

Also, feel free to request some chapter idea's! I'm really running out of them ack
See you in the next chapter!

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