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A/N hey my little tea-cups, hopin you enjoyin da story. Vote,Comment fan, :3 - Teddycream


"Never" And he ran away, bull fuckin' jesus crap, he is fast. Sammi sprinted after him, I turned to see Dougie stood behind me, frozen, his gorgeous smile formed on his face, and to think he's only 2-3 years older than me. Oh jesus fuckin christ he is smexy.

"Hatty, I behold thy enemy, quick, stir fry area." I heard Sammi's voice echo around the room, Dougie and I eye-fucked each other and ran to find them, I know this place like my flat, I was there in two seconds straight, to see Sammi, holding the Nutella triupmly, and sat on Tom's back.

"Sammi you beau'y. You did i'. I love you, I'll buy you tha' toaster you want for your birthday. Oh Nu'ella I love you." I sang as Sammi got of Tom, grinning like a cat. We spun around to have the Nutella knocked out of our hands by Harry Judd.

"Suck it, the chocolate is mine. Mwhahahahahaha." He sung as he skidded to the end of the isle to be knocked over by Danny Jones.

"Danny, just give us the Nutella, I'm your bandmate, either way we'll get the chocolate." Dougie tried, walking slowly towards him with a sack of, cucumbers. Well going Dougie. I raised my arms in surrender and skidded to Danny.

"Danny, I know you have never met me before but I was trying to get the Nu'ella away from Tom. He said tha' he was gonna have i' all to himself." I gave him a sympathetic smile and reached for the jar, it would have been mine, inly if Dougie hadn't ambushed my theory. Danny looked at me apoligetically. I ran after Dougie.

"Go Harry, you can still catch her, if Doug get's it we all get Nutella." Tom yelled at Harry as he got up after recovering from being unexpectically sat on.

"No offence babe, but you weight a ton." Tom screached at Sammi as he skipped past her. No one calls Sammi heavy without being farted in the face. I could see her smirk diminishing replaced with anger as I caught up with Dougie and wrapped one arm around his torso trying to reach for the Nutella.

"You two are benerk, and your girl's, your supposed to hate us, hate Nutella and run around singin OneDirection."

"Oh no you didn't just go to the extent to call us girl's who should sing those little boys."

"Wow, don't like 'em that much do you?"

He finished his sentence as he felt me being pulled off by Harry, Dougie turned around, felling triumphed, but that didn't last long, seein as Danny ran past Doug grabbing the Nutella and thtowing it to Sammi, it's s good thing we girl's always have deoderant with us.

"Get back here you little rascle!"

"Sammi, Danny run."

"You can run but you can't hide."

"Watchout for that Biatch called Karma Harry."

"Sure su-"

"She's touching his chest now, he takes off her dress now, letme go."

"Shit it my mum. Everyone shut it"

"Hey mum."


"Of corse I'm with Sammi."

"You did?"

"Thank you. I love you mummy."

"Yes I'll be good, goodbye."

"Did you just say mummy? Ahahahaha."

"Even when I'm 60 she'll think I'm like thirteen or something."

Everyone smirked. I smirked back when I remembered the Nutella, I took off like a crazy person, after an insanlly benerk moment, they all rembered. I had the till in sight, Danny and Sammi protecting me and somehow Tom still managed to catch me just before I could hand it to the cashire.

"Geddoff me you blond person!"

"Never, Dougie quick, grab the Nutella."

"Huh? Ohh, okay."


Dougie waded his way towards us, but Sammi's foot caught him in the balls. His face went red and tears streemed down his face. Harry and Danny, who were at the end of the isle, were laughing so much they went silent and looked like benerk clapping seals.

Sammi grabbed the Nutella as Tom let me go. Dougie, who still had tears flowing, groand and got up, grunting as Tom yelled over his shoulder to catch us, it took Harry 5 minutes to realise Danny, Sammi and I were winning.

"Sammi look, pota'oes, we can throw them a' Dougie an' tha' lo' while Danny buys the Nu'ella!" I yelled as Sammi handed the jar to Danny, who blushed as he ran to the check out. Sammi and I grabbed two potatoes each and waited for Dougie and Tom, Harry came into the isle first, we started to throw the food.

"Ouch. No, geddoff me, stop. Stop throwing those bloody potatoes."

"Harry what are you doing?"

"Tom, Harry, wait for me."

The three of them were bombarded with potatoes from Sammi and I, Danny was at the top end of the isle and did a little victory dance, Tom went right past us, Dougie and Harry took us by suprise, Harry held Sammi from her arms, she almost stopped breathing at the touch. I wasn't gonna let Dougie keep me captive.

"Geddoff me, the Nu'ella shall be ours." I screched as Dougie grabbed my waist, I did a quick scan of the shop, expecting people to be staring at us, and the manager to be running at us screaming about how we are never aloud back to Tesco's, his face fuming red and his bushy handle moustache twitching, don't ask about how I know what he looks like. It's a complicated story.

Let's just say this isn't the first time something like this has happened to me in Tesco's with Sammi.

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