The Wicked Day P2

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Merlyn sat next to Gaius in their chambers, her hands clasped on her lap, doing her best to ignore the physician's incredulous expression. She'd explained to him what Arthur had told her, watched his face contort in flurry of emotions, her gaze flickering around the messy room. She tried to focus on something, anything, even the hard, wooden bench she sat on, but her magic had put her on edge. This was her moment. Albion could be achieved if she just reached out to meet it.

"Arthur's planning on using magic?" Gaius exclaimed, not quite seeming to comprehend the prince's mind.

Merlyn shrugged earnestly, trying to keep her hope from twinkling in her eyes. "He's desperate. He knows its his only hope of healing Uther."

Gaius' eyes widened in comprehension, apparently finally grasping what she was considering. "Merlyn, please tell me you're not going to do this."

"I'd be lying if I said no." she grimaced, knowing that the truth was a dangerous thing. Gaius wouldn't approve, but then, he rarely saw the world the same way that she did. He was too old for change.

"You can't risk exposing yourself like this. It's too dangerous." Gaius warned, his obvious worry almost touching. Merlun squeezed her hands together, trying to keep her expression neutral. Living in Camelot was dangerous for her; she couldn't say that what she planned to do would certainly turn out well, but she had to try. For Arthur.

"Arthur didn't recognise me last time I was eighty years old." she pointed out, knowing that there was too much risk in revealing herself in that moment. Her lover was already hurting; she didn't want to break him now. "There's no reason why he should this time."

Gaius didn't look convinced. "Need I remind you, the last time you used an aging spell, you nearly had yourself burnt at the stake."

"It's worth the risk." Merlyn stated forcefully, staring intently at the physician.

"Do you think Uther is going to thank you for healing him with magic? He's more likely to have you hanged." Gaius spat, his lack of faith in the witch tearing at her heartstrings. She didn't need this. Not now. She needed him to tell her that she was doing the right thing that, whatever happened, he wouldn't abandon her as Lancelot had.

No. That wasn't fair to the memory of her fallen friend. He shouldn't have died, but if she dwelled on her own failings for much longer, there was no way she would be able to save anyone. Uther may not deserve it, but Arthur thought he did; to her, that was all that mattered.

"Uther will never change his attitudes towards magic. I know that. But if Arthur allows it to be used to heal his father, his attitude would be changed forever. He'll see that magic can be a force for good."

Merlyn could see that she was winning, that acceptance was dawning in Gaius' eyes, but the physician wasn't quite finished with his worries. It was heartwarming, but part of the witch would rather he didn't push against her, even when his advice was sound. Still, she knew she should listen to him; he had done more to keep her safe than anyone she knew, barring, of course, her mother.

"You of all people should know that the use of powerful magic is fraught with danger." Gaius hissed, his face a picture of concern.

Of course she knew, but the prize was too great to ignore. "If it works, I won't have to hide anymore."

"And if it doesn't?" Merlyn had no answer for that. "I can't stand by and watch you do this, Merlyn."

"Well don't try and stop me, because... you can't." Merlyn murmured, doing her best to ignore the look of hurt that passed over Gaius' face. She was doing the right thing. She was doing the right thing.

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