The Hollow Queen P1

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The eagle-eyed of you will notice that this is based off an episode from series 5, and not the next episode in series 4. This isn't a mistake, I promise...
Incidentally, Merlyn isn't the 'Hollow Queen' in this, she doesn't just fuck off to Morgana's side, although that would be one hell of a twist

It wasn't often that Agravaine chose to accompany Leon on his nightly patrols of the lower town. In fact, in all the time the greasy royal had resided within the city, the knight had never known him to have any interest in the guarding of the people, nor anything that didn't directly concern himself, for that matter.

Still, Leon could hardly complain to Arthur. What would he say? For a reason unknown to him and the rest of Camelot, the king actually seemed to like his uncle, to trust his opinion. Although the knight was uneasy of how much Arthur relied on the man's word, it didn't change the fact that Agravaine was somehow superior to him, and therefore, not to be questioned. Briefly, he'd considered taking a page out of Merlyn's book, simply disappearing before Agravaine had a chance to argue, or perhaps even annoying him so ruthlessly, that the man gave up on his newfound interest entirely. Unfortunately, however, he doubted Agravaine had the same temperament as Arthur when it came to such deviances. Further, as far as Leon knew, Agravaine had no interest in sleeping with him, which, in all honesty, appeared to be the primary reason Merlyn seemed to get away with most of her trespasses. Well, that and the numerous times she'd saved all of their arses.

And so, there he was, wrapping his warm cloak around himself on a cold, winter eve, peering through the darkness with little to help his sight but the light of two dim torches, Agravaine silent at his side. The lower town was quiet, as it usually was at this time, most people locked away in the warmth of their homes, less they be caught by a couple of guards breaking curfew.

And then, much to Leon's surprise, a cloaked figure appeared in front of him, his stature almost concealed by the mist. It was ethereal, a tangible spirit disappearing into the night. But luckily for the knight, there was no magic in the ghost in front of him.

"Stop!" he shouted, waking his fellow guards from their drowsy bordom. He unsheathed his sword, pointing it at the figure. "Show yourself."

The cloak fell, revealing the face of a boy, no older than sixteen. He didn't look much, rather skinny, with wide, innocent eyes that kept glancing nervously at Leon's sword. However, the knight had met Merlyn, and knew that such looks could be deceiving. Perhaps it was the chilly gloom that surrounded him, but something about the boy made him suspicious, unnerved.

"Oh, he's just a boy." Agravaine spoke up for the first time since they'd entered the lower town, his dismissive attitude doing nothing to placate Leon's disquiet.

"Out here in the middle of the night?" he furrowed his eyebrows, confused at Agravaine's compassion. He didn't seem like the type to care about such an insignificant matter.

The royal put his hand on Leon's arm, gesturing for him to lower his blade. "There is no need for your sword."

He turned to fix his steely eyes on the boy, who seemed uncertain as to whether he should bow, sending him what Leon thought was meant to be a smile. "Where are you going?"

"I've been catching frogs." the boy stuttered, keeping his head down.

Leon frowned. "Frogs?"

Agravaine chuckled, turning to the knight. "It's a full moon, Leon. I used to do it as a boy."

The knight had to admit that he and Gwen used to do the same, but the practice was long out of fashion. The excuse was plausible enough, he supposed, but something still didn't sit quite right with him. Before he could choose a course of action, however, Agravaine decided for him.

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