Chapter IV - Lactic Acid

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Disclaimer: I only own the shirt on my back! Veronica Roth, baby!

After supper, we were led to our dorms. I was nervous to begin with, but now that I knew that everything was out in the open, I felt murderous. The feeling was smoothed out a bit knowing that I had people I could trust there with me. We got our new wardrobes--which I think are only temporary, considering that they consist of a total of two outfits--that night as well. They made us burn our old clothes, which I thought was just wasteful and melodramatic. When I thought no one was looking, I stuffed my favorite bra under my mattress. No one would be burning that.

I waited until I thought everyone was asleep to shower, and even then I only allowed myself ten minutes. I was paranoid. Having people like Peter in the group gave me no sense of comfort. I slipped back into bed at what might have been one in the morning, wearing a pair of skimpily cut knickers and a black loose t shirt. Sleep came in minutes.


Shouts sounded far away as I came to. I felt the rough covers around me after a while and I extended my neck. I was still exceedingly groggy from my dream that had already slipped my consciousness. I blinked a few times, shooting up when a large shadow loomed threateningly over my form.

"Up initiate. Now." I stumbled out of bed, running a hand nervously through my chin length hair. My tan legs were freezing, as well as my feet. The concrete floor was like ice. However--I noticed with some discomfort--the form of Eric was simply radiating heat. I took a breath and rubbed my eyes.

A sharp whistle sounded from behind me. My head whipped around and I caught the snarky face of Peter. "Nose's got a nice ass on her. Congrats."

I felt my face flame, and I had half a mind to slide between the beds and bash his head on the floor. Instead I snapped at him, "Shut your mouth before I shut it for you."

The venom in my voice was startlingly sharp, and Peter had the good sense to drop his smile.

"Language like that will not be permitted during initiation. You've earned yourself a few extra laps. Congrats." Although I thought he was talking to both of us, I found his stare was fixed on me. I shiver traveled down my spine. His eyes were steel, hard and unyielding. Everyone was staring.

Then he was off, striding towards the exit--he had unnervingly long strides--and I was left to snap myself out of it. I avoided the questioning eye of Will.

Eric turned at the exit. "Breakfast is in the dining hall. Training starts at eight. Be late, and you'll regret it." Then he was gone again.

I immediately slumped back down on my bed, holding my head in my hands. Despite having like five hours of sleep, I felt as though I had gotten no rest. I must have looked that way too. Christina came up beside me and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "Not the absolute best way to wake up, I'll say." She sighed, going back to her bed, which was right across from mine.

I let out a dry chuckle and picked up the shorts that I had been given. They were mesh and loose, coming a few inches above my knee. I cinched the string tightly and grabbed the sports bra I was given as well. It was slightly difficult to get into inside a shirt, but after a few choice words and awkward poses, I had it on. I tried to ignore the fact that I was slightly busting out of it. Socks and shoes were next. I went to the sink to brush my teeth and stared at the other girl transfers, startled.

"Do they think I'm a boy, or do they just know I have slight body dysmorphia?" I was only half joking.

Tris and Christina were decked out in skin tight athletic tanks and leggings.

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