Chapter 3

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Harry left Tom alone for an hour while he stretched his legs out on the couch and wrote in his journal. If there was something that Newt had taught him, it was to take lots of notes, then some more notes, and just when you thought you had enough, you added a few extra just to be safe.

After logging the highlights of his adventure so far, Harry stuck the journal in the back pocket of his jeans and went in search for Tom.

He found the basilisk swimming in the mountain lake in the temperate habitat.

“Isn’t that a little cold?” Harry called out as he stood on the shore, water lapping at his shoes. “There’s also a big lake in the tropical habitat.”

Tom swirled around in the water a few times and swam towards him. “No,” he said as he slid on land beside Harry. “Basilisks can tolerate much colder temperatures than most other reptiles.”

Harry reached for his journal and dutifully wrote that titbit of information down.

“Besides,” Tom said with a little sigh. “I love this view.” He nodded his head at the snow-capped mountains in the distance. “I’ve had enough of trees to last me a very long time.”

Harry quirked a smile at that. “Hey, I’ve been thinking.”

“Oh dear,” Tom said in mock sympathy. “Did it hurt a lot?”

Staring at the enormous basilisk beside him, Harry wasn’t sure how to react at first. He settled for rolling his eyes, though he couldn’t hold back a grin. “How old were you again?”

“Older than you.” Tom seemed to shake himself a little. “But go on. Share your thoughts with the group.”

Merlin, this guy. Harry snickered quietly. “When we get you turned back into yourself, you’ll need to start over, right? I’m assuming here you don’t have wealthy relatives or a fat vault at Gringott’s waiting for you.”

“You assume right. I grew up a penniless orphan, and even though I worked after Hogwarts and managed to save a small amount, taking 60 years worth of inflation into account that amount would barely buy you a set of robes nowadays.”

“Hmm.” Harry nodded in agreement. “My business partner and I sell rare ingredients, among other things.”

Tom seemed to cotton on where this was going. “And I’m a living, breathing treasure trove.”

“Something like that, yes. You go in with us, we sell your venom and shed skins and split the profits three-way.”

Tom tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. “No, we split 50-50. I take half, and how you divvy up your half is up to you. Share with your partner or not, I don’t care.”

“It’s a deal,” Harry said with a huge grin. Half of the proceeds of selling basilisk products was more than enough to add a small fortune to both his and Severus’ vaults.

“Then you’d best get milking, hadn’t you, Harry.” Tom grinned in a way that showed off his fangs.

Harry stared, reminded himself he was a Gryffindor, turned on his heels and marched back to the holding area. He called out over his shoulder, “Come on then. I promise I’ll be gentle. I’m quite adapt at...milking other wizards. Never have any complaints.”

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