Chapter 12

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The brief, knowing smirk Tom gave him was quickly replaced with a look of vague disbelief as Tom pushed himself up from the ground and looked down his own body.

Harry also couldn’t stop staring at Tom. He really was a very attractive man. Tall and lean and grinning like a man possessed as he stepped up to Harry.

“My wand?”

“Oh, of course.” For a second Harry had hoped Tom would perhaps want to touch him, hug him or even kiss him, but Harry understood that Tom probably had other priorities right now. Harry reached inside his wand holster and pulled out both their wands. He handed Tom his.

Tom’s eyes closed in obvious pleasure as he held his wand. Harry imagined that after all this time it must be very close to the first time any of them touched a wand that choose them. A huge magical rush that promised great and exciting things in the future.

Next Tom aimed his wand at Harry, his expression giving nothing away while his eyes narrowed.

Harry got a brief glimpse in his mind of Reggie’s disappointed expression while he muttered about knowing all along Tom Riddle was bad news and why had Harry not simply believed Regulus when he had the chance.

But Tom didn’t cast any hexes or curses. Instead he used a bit of gentle magic to pull Harry closer until they were practically face to face. Harry was no short guy by any means, but Tom still had a few good inches over him. Tom slowly, as to give Harry time to move away, bent his head and brushed his lips across Harry’s.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now,” Tom whispered against Harry’s mouth.

“I’d love nothing more than to take this further,” Harry replied in an equally quiet voice. “But you’ve got basilisk breath. Perhaps a shower first?”

Tom threw his head back and laughed, and it was a wonderful sound, dark and deep. Harry grinned in reply and then led Tom up the stairs to the bathroom. He showed Tom where to find everything he needed, and then rummaged around in his own wardrobe for some simple clothes for Tom to wear for now. Tom was a very rich man, so they could visit Diagon Alley later and buy everything he needed.

Tom gave him a cheeky wink before sliding the toothbrush Harry had given in in his mouth. Harry left him to it and decided to fulfil one of Tom’s simple desires. He put the kettle on and brewed a large pot of Earl grey. He also fried up some eggs and bacon, and toasted some bread which he slathered with Molly’s homemade butter and strawberry jam.

By the time Tom entered the kitchen, clean and dressed, Harry had a small feast waiting for him.

“You are amazing,” Tom said, all but throwing himself into a chair at the kitchen table while Harry served him a steaming cup and a full plate. “Keep this up and you’ll never be rid of me.”

Harry chuckled as he sat down and tucked into his own lunch.

Afterwards, as Harry placed the dirty dishes into the sink, a very satisfied Tom pressed himself against Harry’s back and brushed a kiss across the back of Harry’s neck. Harry turned around in his embrace and met Tom’s lips with his own. Their kiss was long and slow and they explored each other with their tongues to their heart’s content.

“Whatever gave you the idea I wanted to be rid of you?” Harry asked as they finally pulled back. Tom had deep brown eyes, but Harry was sure he could see a fine sheen of gold over them still.

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