A tale of 3 Brothers

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Summary: Why Brick and Butch abandoned Boomer.

Brick,Butch and Boomer we're doing graffiti on the wall of a building.

"Hey Blondie! Get us something to eat!" Brick said
"Yeah! I'm starving!" Butch said
"Ok!Ok!I will!" Boomer said

Boomer flew off into the distance.

"Can you believe he is our brother?" Brick said
"No! I can't he's so weak!" Butch said

"He has been acting different lately. I wonder why..." Brick said

"Yeah!He has been slacking off in our battles when we are fighting the Powderpuke Girls!" Butch said

"I noticing he isn't paying attention to our plans either. He isn't even wearing his team uniform either!" Brick panicked

"He's only wearing black. It's just...sad and depressing." Butch said

"Do you think he is going emo or goth?" Brick said

"If he is he is wrecking our vibe!" Butch said

"We need to find out more!" Brick said

"Guys!I'm back and I stole some cooked spaghetti from a restaurant!" Boomer said

"That's great!" Brick said

"I hate spaghetti." Butch said

"More for us then!" Boomer said

"Wait! I was Kidd—" Butch started to say as he saw his brothers finish it up

"Sorry, Butch we are all out!" Brick said

"Yeah! You snooze you lose!" Boomer said

"So Boomer....What's with the outfit change?" Brick said

"What is our purpose in life?" Boomer replied

"Huh?" Brick said

"Boomer, you know that we were created to destroy the Powderpuke Girls!" Butch said

"That was a task we were given!And we have been proven time and time again that we will always be defeated! So what is the point?" Boomer said

"ARE YOU TELLING ME YOU WANNA QUIT?!" Butch yelled at Boomer

"I'm just saying if we were to even defeat the Powderpuke Girls we would have no purpose at all." Boomer stated

"I knew you were too nice to be a Rowdyruff!" Brick said

"Leave and never come in contact with us ever again!" Butch said

So Boomer flew away. He flew all the way to a junkyard. He sat on a tire until he heard a growl. He got up and noticed a bear.  He dodged the bears attacks but the bear caught him off guard and attacked his side. He was grabbed from behind by an unknown person and dragged away. He noticed they were heading towards a mirror. Covering his face for impact as the got closer to the mirror. But when they came in contact with the mirror it didn't hurt. In fact it was cold and wet and like water. Due to the loss of blood Boomer passed out.

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