Chapter 6

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* Next Day*
< two weeks before Mickey leaves for boot camp >
~ Tuesday November 3, 2014~

Tieonne POV


I don't know why, but all of a sudden my legs gave out as soon as Rocky and I made it home. Let me explain what I mean first, because I feel like y'all think I'm just slow.

I knew my legs was going to hurt at some point after I had sex with Rocky, but I didn't think it was going to be like three hours before it did. Anyways my legs has been hurting since we left the hospital last night and to be honest, I didn't notice right off the bat because Rocky carried me everywhere.

So here I am sitting in bed at 3 o'clock in the morning, just looking at the blank tv screen. The entire time I sitting in the dark, not only was my legs hurting but I wasn't feeling good either. Growing tired of the pain, I attempted to move but when I did my last meal came rushing back up. I quickly ran to the bathroom before bending over the toilet seat and emptying the contents of my stomach. At some point Rocky woke up and held my hair back and slowly rubbed circles in my back. When I finished throwing up, I tried to move again, and once again I ended up empty my stomach.

While I was throwing up everything Rocky was right beside me, rubbing my back and holding my hair. He didn't leave me in the bathroom, or roll over in bed and continue sleeping , instead he got up and ran to my side and he didn't leave. Even though he's really tired and is mourning the loss of his grandmother. It's times like this when I am just so thankful for having someone like Rocky in my life. But at the same time, I know don't deserve him. He's too good to me. After what felt like forever, I finally finished spilling my guts.

Rocky helped me up and even held my hand as we walked downstairs. Rocky lead me to the kitchen before handing me a bottle of water. " You good bae?" He asked with sleep still heavy in his voice.

" Yeah baby I'm fine go back to sleep." I tell him as I struggled opening the water bottle. He reached over a opened the water for me before handing it back. But before I could take a sip my head started throbbing and I no longer wanted the water, as I let my hands clutch my head.

I let my head drop to the counter before Rocky left and came back. He came back holding Tylenol pm and handing me two. I quickly tossed back the pain medicine before letting out a groan of pain.

" Bae I'm not leaving you down here " Rocky said as he yawned a little. Lord knows I don't deserve him, but I want him so bad.

" But baby your tired, and you have things to do today. I'm fine I promise. I'll take this little medicine and try to get as much sleep as possible before school starts. I'm good just go back to sleep." I try to tell him, but he kept shaking his head. Why is he so good to me, he deserves better.

"No, I never left you while you were sick, and in case it's not clear I'm not going to start today. I don't care about that therapy session or anything else I was supposed to be doing today. Your health is more important to me." He says still sleepy. Moments later he stated looking for the thermometer, probably to determine whether or not I can go to school today. While he was doing that, I looked around the room until my eyes landed on the clock.

4:30 am

Rocky found the thermometer and prepared it so that I can take my temperature. He handed me the thermometer and I set it up. As soon as the thing beeped I spit it out almost instantly. Rocky chucked at me before reading the thermometer.

" Baby girl you're not going nowhere today. You'd be lucky if you go see your mom today. But school is out the picture. Now you go to sleep." Rocky said seriously. I was pouting the entire time he was talking to me.

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