Chapter 9

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* 1 month later*

Rocky POV

" Pawran you back!" Faith screams running towards me. I just stepped foot in my house and it was like they was all waiting at the door. I was in the hospital for a month because I had to have two surgeries. One on my lower abdomen and the other on my knee, but what kept there so long was that I couldn't get both surgeries back to back so I had to wait a week before they could operate again. Faith ran and hugged me but when she did she accidentally hit my side and made it throb. It did hurt for a minute but it's nothing I can't handle.

" Faith, hunny get down he just got out of the hospital. Let him rest" Kayla said to Faith coming out of the kitchen. She looked at me and made a face which made me stick my tongue out at her. She got thicker. Hmmp I must be laying the pipe right.

" She good Kay, me and Faith can chill together" I told Kayla limping to the front room. Once I made into the room, I sat down which caused Miracle to run in the room and jump on me. "If y'all don't get y'all asses off of him, I just told y'all that he need to rest" Kayla yelled coming into the room. I looked at her then to my nieces before I spoke.

" Calm yo' ass down, Kayla. I'm good they not causing me any unbearable pain. " I say calmly as Miracle kissed my cheek and whispered 'hay'. Kayla looked at me for a long time before running upstairs crying. Wtf I do? She been acting weird af.

" Mi what's up with Kay?" I asked Miracle and she looked up at me. " She don't feel good, she been throwing up everyday since you got in trouble." I looked at Miracle before tapping her and her sister. " I be back, find and movie for us to watch and Ima come back with snacks" I tell the girls getting up. I limped upstairs and stopped at the last step, because my knee throbbed. After I regained my stamina I made my way to my room.

" What's wrong baby?" I asked sitting on the foot of the bed. Kayla was balled up in the center of the bed crying. I leaned back until I could reach Kayla's hand. I pulled her up slowly until we were both sitting up. "Come closer " I say softly and she does as told. Once she was right next to my I wrapped my arms around her and repeated my question into the crook of her neck. She sighed before answering.

"I'm fine" Kayla whispered and I shook my head. I pulled her closer to me let out a deep breath.

" Baby you can tell me anything" I whispered back rubbing her thighs. She closed her eyes and sighed. " Rocky I'm pregnant"  She said just above a whisper and I just froze. She looked up at me and frowned. "See I knew you didn't-"

"Shh. Ma'Kayla, I may not show it right now but I'm excited as hell. I can't wait to have mini me's running around here. As long as they don't act like Faith." I assure her joking at the end causing her to laugh. I moved my hands to her stomach and rubbed in a circular motion. "How long did you know?" I asked her after it got quiet for a while.

"I've known for about 3 almost 4 months" Kayla whispers and I stopped rubbing her stomach. She kept this from me for 4 fucking months?! Shit just pissed my mind off.

" Why am I just finding out about this when you saw me multiple times in the 4 month time frame?" I question trying desperately to keep calm.

" Because you were going through a lot and I didn't want to add on stress. I even asked abuelita to tell you but she said I needed to do it at the right time. I'm sorry Rocky I shouldn't have kept my pregnancy from you." So that's what abuelita was talking about. Thank God it was Kayla instead of a one night stand.

I mentally let out a sigh of relief and pulled away from Kayla. She watched my every move, looking for some type of sign. I got up and limped out of the room while Kayla followed closely behind. Before I could walk down the steps she stopped me and made me look at her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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