t h r e e

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BUSINESS?" Faune asks, Royal pushes past me to the front door. Faune glares at him. He smiles at her. "Nothing to worry your pretty little head about." Faune's face turns red. I can tell she's trying to reel in her power. I pinch Royal in the arm, he whirls on me and rubs the now sore spot. "Watch it," I growl. I will protect Faune 'till the day I die, I will also protect her pride at all costs. She doesn't need to risk unleashing her power on this asshat. I look over to Lokas, he's seething. Before anything escalades, I change the subject. "They're Bastards as well," I say calmly to Royal, I glance at him and he scrunches his brows together.

"she said you, not them," Royal says to me, I nod. "I know, but they can at least know where we're going."

"Where are you going?" Lokas asks. Irina and Shann are behind him now. 

"Minette needs me to go and get her and Eden," I say nonchalantly, Irina's eyes widen, she takes a step towards me. "Are they okay?"

I nod immediately, I don't want to see Irina sad over Eden. I also don't want anyone coming, Minette asked for me specifically. "Should be, Minette just needs me."

All at once everyone says: "I'm coming."

"Nope," Royal says shaking his head. "She asked for the two of us, not all of you."

"I don't know who the hell you are," Lokas hisses, "but you don't call the shots."

I frown at all of them, "Royal's right, you guys shouldn't come, we can handle it."

Lokas scoffs, "Are you serious Ember, I'm not letting you go alone." I roll my eyes, "Loke it's not that big of a deal, I'll be with Royal." 

I glance at him and he grins broadly. He really is an idiot. Lokas glares daggers at Royal, but he just keeps smiling. I try and think of a way to get out of this but thankfully Faune starts talking. "We can't let you go alone, Ember. We're coming with you," she turns and looks at everyone and then back to me, determinedly. "All of us."

I stare with my mouth open at Faune, I appreciate her wanting to help, but it's not safe for her, yes we both got training, but she never trained with Minette. I shake my head profusely at her. "Faune it's too dangerous for you-"

"Stop it!" she snaps, I recoil at her tone. Faune has never snapped at me like that. "You always go off on your missions for days at a time and leave! I'm scared out of my mind when you leave, you could die, Ember!" My gaze softens on her, I give her a sad smile, but it doesn't come outright. Irina steps forward and puts a delicate hand on Faune's shoulder. I almost bristle at the touch, I've known these people longer than she has and they still choose her to comfort and be nice too. They're insufferable. Shann steps up beside Irina and towers over her, he stares at Royal with an utter calm that scares me.

"We have to come with you," Irina says quietly but not cowardly, her chin is held high as she addresses us. "If Eden's in trouble that affects all of us, you can get Minette, we'll get Eden." I gaze over Irina and find myself nodding. How could I be the one to tell her "no, I won't let you save your girlfriend" I may act cold but I'm not heartless.

Faune beams at me. I sigh and push through them and start walking away from the cottage. I don't wait for them to follow, I know they will. I feel a large presence beside me, I turn looking for Lokas but am shocked when I see Royal beside me. He stares forward, I close my mouth and turn my head ahead before he notices.

"We need to go to headquarters and gear up," I say quietly and glance at Royal, he turns his head and listens. "We need to be prepared, we also need to let Claire know where we are going."

Mirror of Embers (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now