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WHAT THE HELL IS HER DEAL TODAY? The minute she stepped into the headquarters I knew something was off, but I didn't press it. But, that blow up in the town square, over a prostitute? Something is clearly going on. I should've followed her, fuck. I guess I'll have to talk to her later.

I walk down the residential street and look at all of the beautiful townhomes. They're all white coloured with red shudders. But each house some special feature that sets it apart from the others. Some have different colours on the doors. The one I walk past has a pine green door and a gold knocker. Others have different flowers or chimneys, to tell them apart.

I finally reach Minette's house. I walk across the grass and up the steps. I stare at her navy blue door before I open it and glide in. The light from the foyer hits me first, and then a whiff of bread. I sigh satisfied and close the door behind me. The red narrow rug in the foyer slides as I walk across it. I see someone stick there head out. They move closer to me and I smile. "Hello, Claire." The elderly lady gives me a slight nod and hurries over to me. "Hello, Mr. Fahl." She walks over to my side and starts pulling on my cloak. I untie it from neck and she hauls it off me. She holds it in her arms and surveys me and then narrows her eyes. She puts one hand on her hip and I bite my cheek to stop from smiling. I have been torturing this poor woman since I was 15, but this time I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong. I'm curious what she's going to yell at me about.

"Where is Ms. Ryvergrave?" Ah, that. Ember and I left together and only one of us came back, I understand now. Claire raises her eyebrows waiting for an answer. Her wrinkles crease in the movement and a strand of grey hair falls from its tight bun at the back of her head. "She said she had business to attend to," I answer with a lazy shrug. Claire studies me and says nothing, I shift uncomfortably from one foot to another. "She said she'd be back."

Claire clicks her tongue and with her free hand smooths her skirts. "They're upstairs, wipe off your boots before you track dirt in this house." With that she leaves, she enters back into the room she came from and shuts the door.

"Thank you, Claire!" I shout, I hear a grunt but nothing else. I chuckle quietly and wipe my boots on the mud mat. I finish and cross the foyer to the stairs. The stairs are tucked to the side and go up in an L formation. I ascend the steps and can hear quiet chatter from the top. I take the stairs two at a time and finally make it to the landing. The middle door is open to the strategy room and I hear the chatter coming from in there. I stride in to see Irina and Shann hunched over the table with the map of Moriella. They both look up to me and stop talking, Irina smiles at me whereas Shann stares blankly at me. His thick black hair is swept out of his face, a couple of strands stick to his brown skin.  I glance at him once and turn my attention to his sister. Her golden-brown skin looks flushed, her hair is falling out of her knot. "What is it?" I ask, Irina glances at her brother, he nods his head once and I fight the urge to roll my eyes. I hate that she looks to him for approval talking to me.

"Minette took Eden on a last-minute mission and they told no one where they were going, not even me."

"I'm sure they're fine," I say calmly, I've learned better than to question Irina when she gets like this, especially when it comes to Eden. Eden and Irina have been dating for about a year now, Irina gets crazy worried when Eden goes out on missions. I used to get like that when Ember would go out on missions without me. I think pissy is a better word. Ember used to pull this crap all the time, she thought it didn't matter that I didn't know where she was going, or if she was okay.

She's a lot better now. She always asks me before going out on missions if I would like to come along.

It made me so happy the day she finally asked me. The day she finally felt comfortable enough to ask me to tag along.

Mirror of Embers (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now