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Truth Be Told

- Introduction -

Kylie walked up the platform to the 'techno manic' ride. It was a large pinkish-red, glowing, rusty ride and the last on her list. The lines were nearly nonexistent as it was almost closing time for the carnival, so as soon as she handed the worker two blue tickets she quickly found an open seat and sat down alone. The seats were worn and uncomfortable, but it would be all worth the thrill. Though now sitting alone, she instantly regretted telling her sister and her sisters boyfriend that she'd sit by herself to make the partners even. She should have dragged Cyrus away from Jake. Sighing and running her finger through her short brown hair, she started humming along to ke$ha's old 'blah blah blah' song that was playing until more people loaded on. It seemed to Kylie that they weren't going to start it until all the seat where full.

Brandon had barely got to go on the ride. The man in charge of the ticket booth had told him that the carnival was going to close soon and that he shouldn't bother, but he simply shook his head and bought his tickets. He turned to the nearest ride, the 'techno manic' and ran up the ramp.  He had saved up forever to even get in here and he was going to ride everything he could in the short amount of time before they closed. After he handed his tickets to the man he took a glance around and saw almost all of the seat were full except for one. Lucky.  He thought before taking a seat. He glanced at his seat partner, a girl, that was sat beside him. She was a brunette with short hair. Her eyes were closed and she was humming along to the song that was playing while they were waiting for the ride to start. He tried to recognize the tune to no avail.

Suddenly the speakers voice boomed, "Please take off your shoes and keep your hands in the seats. Thank you and have a nice time on the techno manic" in a monotone voice complete with a long sigh. Brandon nor Kylie made any movement to take off their shoes. Both as expert carnival visitors they had worn tennis shoes that would not slip off.

Suddenly, with a lurch, the rides bars dropped. Kylie opened her eyes in surprise and she quickly squeezed the bars as close to her as possible. She glanced to the side and saw the empty spot was now occupied with a stranger. 

Brandon meanwhile decided he was going to talk to this girl. Fuck it, he thought might as well talk to this pretty girl next to him. Brandon took a deep breath, and faked a cough to catch the girl's attention. Between the bars this wasn't necessarily the easiest interaction, as he could only see a sliver of her face between them. Much to his surprise she turned partially, and he could now see half of her face. 

"Hey, my names Brandon."

Kylie only looked at him, her eyes snapping up to his face. "Hi," Brandon only got to smile at her response because without warning the ride started spinning around. It started slow but gained speed with every spin. As it spun it flew them into the sky, twirling them upside down and around. The strobe lights bounced off the aluminum walls that were decorated with a scathingly clad bikini girl. She had a slew of cars surrounding her each seemed to vie for her attention. The lights flickered about her face, changing her painted face blue and green, as she smiled on at the rides unresting twirling.

Kylie didn't scream or shout as the ride tossed her about. She only laughed maniacally. The rush of being upside down and being moved from left to right gave her an adrenaline that she never wanted to run out of. Brandon heard her laugh and couldn't help himself but to laugh along. It was contagious, and he too began to laugh so giddily.

Then ride began to slow. The girl's laughs getting more and more sparse. Brandon's laughs echoing hers, also came to a halt as the ride slowly dropped them down to earth again. Brandon finally spoke to her. His thoughts were not on the whirling ride but on the girl who laughed like a manic on it.

"What's your name?" he said finally after waiting for the pulsing music to lower. He raised the bar and jumped down from the seats. She followed in suite and adjusted her mess of a hair. 

"Jessica." Kylie lied. She knew better then to give a stranger whom she never seen in her life her name. Brandon did, of course, not know this and smiled blissfully. He was more than happy she answered him. They both walked towards the exit gate, Brandon trailing behind her. 

"That was amazing." Brandon said, a smile unwilling to leave his face. Kylie nodded politely and opened the exit gate. People filed behind them, all shuffling towards the exit, the lights dimming.

"Kylie!" Her sister, Cyrus yelled from open grass pit. In one hand she held a funnel cake, in the other her boyfriends hand. "Let's go! Liam and Hannah have already gone. They got me funnel cake!" She said proudly raising the hand with the treat in it. Cyrus's boyfriend, Jack, chuckled at her antics and nodded to Kylie.

"Jessica, huh?" Brandon smiled. Kylie smiled warily back and shuffled toward the couple. Cyrus finally noticed the boy and did as she normally did so well. Interrogate and intimate. She knew her sister very well and knew she was not one to talk to strangers. 

"Who are you?" Cyrus raised an  eyebrow and her eyes narrowed. Her boyfriend, Jack also gave a quizzical eye towards Brandon, and he stood a little taller.

"Brandon." He said an lopsided grin appearing in amusement.

"Well, bye Brandon." Cyrus looked at her sister pointedly and walked swiftly away taking her boyfriend in tow.

"We're leaving." She yelled to Kylie, "And you're coming so get you ass over here!"

"Yes mom." Kylie said jokingly. Cyrus scowled back at her and kept walking. Kylie rushed to follow, while both trying to keep pace with her sister and Jack and trying to keep her shoes clean from the dirt.

Brandon laughed at her walk, almost penguin-like, tip toeing side to side to avoid any massive dirt piles the wind had created. He gave a small sigh and took a look towards the worker.

"Can I ride again?"


"Who was that? Why was he talking to you and why in the world didn't you ignore him?" Cyrus asked in a accusatory tone.

"I don't know! He just sat next to me! Plus I was being friendly, unlike someone I know." Kylie joked. In return Cyrus glared at her sister then sighed.


"What he did!"

"Uh-huh. That's why he was giving you googly eyes. " Cyrus tossed a blond lock behind her. 

"He looks kind of familiar if I'm honest." Jake spoke up into their conversation. 

"Maybe he goes to our school?" Cyrus asked, trying to remember his face among her class. 

"I can't put a finger on it but he definitely goes to our school..." Jake trailed off lost in thought.

"Well it doesn't really matter guys 'cause it's over and Jonas's babysitter is probably tired by now" Kylie huffed at the detective couple. 

"You're right, lets go." Cyrus said. 

"Shotgun dammit!" Jake yelled suddenly. "I refuse to sit in the cramped back again. I'm too big of a boy!"  Cyrus let out an uncharacteristically girly giggle reserved especially for Jake and Kylie rolled her eyes. 

"That's fine, lets just get going people!" 



This is a story I am going to try write. Like a full on story. Like updates and all that jazz. I won't have a regular update day because I don't want to pressure myself to write it and make myself hate the story I created. It's been about three or four years since I touched this story and I think my goal for 2017 is to have it finished.

Thanks for reading! Comment, show your friends, and yeah :)


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