Kylie {1}

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Kylie felt groggy the next morning. She had consumed two corn dogs, a deep fried Oreo, and half of Cyrus's funnel cake when they got home. She finally woke up, her sugar coma giving way to the need to use the bathroom. She checked her phone and saw it was nearly a quarter till ten. She quietly groaned a thanks for it being Sunday. School was tomorrow but at least today she could rest. She was so incredibly tired from all the excitement of last night. She unfurled herself from her blankets and sat up on her bed.

Kylie had just opened the bathroom door when suddenly she heard a loud rumble of foot steps. "KYLIEEE!" Jonas jumped onto Kylie his boyish giggles ringing as he squeezed as tightly as he could into her waist.

"J-Jonas!" She laughed trying to pry his arms off around her. He hung on and she sighed. Jonas looked up at Kylie, his big brown eyes sparkling with excitement. She shuffled to the kitchen where she heard the clang of pots and Cyrus's curses, Jonas still hanging around her waist.

"Help." Kylie said jokingly. Cyrus turned and took one glance over her siblings.

"Off Jonas you're going to crush her with your hulk strength," she tsked. " I need Kylie's help. Where's that damn silver pan?" Jonas gave Kylie one tight squeeze before letting go.

"The second cabinet to your left." Kylie answered. Cyrus looked incredulous at the directions. Kylie sighed, walked over and opened the cabinet. The silver pan glinted under the bright kitchen lights as Kylie pulled it out.

"Uh, I knew that. I swear they hide from me!" Cyrus rolled her eyes and took the pan from Kylie's awaiting hands.

"What are you making?" Jonas asked, his excitement hard to contain as he jumped up and down.






Jonas racked his brain. Kylie could see the little cogs moving in his head and she stifled a giggle.

"I don't know Cyrus." He pouted. "Just tell me." The nine year old huffed with impatience.

"French toast!" Cyrus cried out quickly placing the pan in the stove and then swiftly grabbing Jonas and began to tickle him. Kylie laughed at her sister and brother while turning on the stove.


The French toast ended up being more of toasted bread with cinnamon with butter. Cyrus tried her hardest but by no means was she a chef, and neither was Kylie. Jonas happily gobbled down the sweet treat in no time and was already off to watch the Sunday cartoons. After Cyrus cleaned up the mess in the kitchen she got dressed and said a quick bye. Jack had called her over to help him with picking out his sisters birthday gift which left just Kylie and Jonas. Kylie filled her time with finishing homework she neglected Friday night and all of Saturday. This was a repaying cycle which never seemed to end no matter how many times Kylie swore to herself she would not do it again.

When she finished she sent a text to Hannah asking how did everything went last night. Hannah replied almost instantly, her text oozing with excitement.

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