Chapter 3

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"GET OUT RIGHT NOW!" was the first thing I heard when I woke up. "What?" I spoke out loud. Where is my alarm? I scratched my head as I looked around. I'm at the hospital. I look at dad next to me, lifeless. I get up and look at the people at the door. There were many nurses and doctors glaring at me. I must've slept here. I looked outside. It was bright.

"Why," Sarah started off. Ugh, she was here. My hands trembled as I looked at dad. "Are. You. Guys. Here." She paused. "I told you. You couldn't."

"He- he is dead...." I muttered. I looked at my watch. 7:42am.

"Oh, he is?" A voice spoke up. I look up to see Ataki, looking at me worried.

"Ye-e-eah." I stammered. I got up and rubbed my messy hair. I grab mum's arm and stand up, going to go out but Sarah stops me.

"You're lucky that I feel nice today." She glanced at all the rushing nurses rushing to my dad. Sarah glared at me. How many times does this girl glare? "I'm letting you go but if your mother or you cause any trouble again, you'll regret it."

"Uuh, okay?" I shrugged, confused. "Mum, come on." I tugged her out of the hospital, looking back to see nurses back, daaaaaaaad! I felt an urge to run back and tell him everything but it was too late. Mum plopped me into the car and drove off. I am going back to my mother's house Oh right, tomorrow I have school.


The sun rolled over the horizon and seeped through my window as my eyes fluttered open. Urgh. School. I got up and dressed into my school clothes and grabbed my viola, knowing I had music lessons today. Laid on the table was a sandwich with ham and cheese. This waas the breakfast that I had on a school day with my mum.  I snatched the sandwich and held it in my mouth, eating while packing up my bag.

I got out of the house and started walking in the scorching hot sun towards the school. 

I arrived, dropped my bag on my desk and sat down. I felt like a part of my life was missing. My dad has died, what else will make my life miserable? I watched as the assistance principal, Mrs Javere walked in. Why is she here? 

"Your teacher is sick and not here. You will have a substitute teacher." she explained. At just that moment, the teacher came in.

"Hi, I'm am Mrs Lee." (Idk why all the teachers I introduced was a girl, I promise there will be a boy.) She had her light brown hair put up in a messy bun and had round, tan coloured glasses. Her name was written in cursive letters on the board.

I was not expecting the door to burst open right now, but it did.

"I'm so sorry Mr-." The person, who I noticed was a girl called Kiku, nicknamed Kee, stopped when the person saw Mrs Lee. "Um, h-hello, Mis-Mrs Lee." she stuttered as she searched on the board for the teachers name. "I'm sorry I'm late..."

"Its okay, just get to your seat." she cut Kee off.


Now we have music lessons. The teachers I had so far has heard the news of... the thingie. They treated me so different from other people like Kee. They treat me like I had some sort of curse that changed me into an alien and they cared so much. I didn't like it at all. Not a tiny bit. I am human too!

I unzipped my case and carefully took my viola out. I looked around the room and the teacher, Mr Chung, started speaking.

"Today, you will pair up with another person who is playing another instrument. You will compose a piece together, for your two instruments." He started listing the pairs. My ears perked up when I heard the pair: "Ottino, Kiku." 

I mean, Kee is an okay person, she's not bad, I wish I was friends with her, but I have no friends. Kee never noticed me in class, I guess she thought I was a bad person.

I walked over to Kee and her viola. I plopped down, me and my viola.

"So..." I spoke.

"Don't talk to me, just get on with the work." Kee muttered.

I tilted my head in a questioning way. Why was she like this? "Ok sure I guess..."

We experimented some notes and chords we could use for our piece and wrote a few bars, but I was not concentrating a lot. I was concentrating on trying to read Kee's, brown eyes. She had sadness. Not saying I had this power to read eyes, but it was the same as Mum and Ms Via's when they was feeling sad.

"You're sad." I stated.

"I'm fine." Kee simply replied.

"One, you're not, because people that are fine don't reply with that, and two, I have seen the emotion in your eyes many times, so I can tell, you're not fine."

She sighed. "Not here. Meet me under the tree near the canteen."

"Ok sure." The bell rang. "Wait when? What do you mean not here?" I called out to Kee as she packed up her violin and left immediately.


After English with our main teacher, Ms Kya, I dashed to the tree she was talking about. The tree was a 'famous' tree in the school because the colours were unique and it was huge, usually used for shading students on a hot day.

I sat down and started eating my lunch. In my eyesight, I saw a black-with-purple-streak haired girl come up to me, Kee.

"So?" I questioned her.

She sighed and started speaking without taking a breath. "Okay, so I m NOT fine because I have to live with Ms Kya because my parents randomly disappeared when I went home one day so I rushed to school and I would either go to The Devils Orphanage or the teacher basically the point is my parents are gone just like your dad but I have no idea where my parents are."

"Just like Joshua's parents? Randomly disappearing?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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