Chapter 1

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The sun rolled over the horizon and seeped through my window as my eyes fluttered open. Urgh. Viola lessons. I always wanted to learn the viola *cough cough* I mean the violin.

My parents couldn't afford the cheapest violin, so they had to get a viola. Not that I am angry at them, it is just I don't like the viola. Don't judge, I appreciate the viola, okay, I appreciate anything my parents give me. Anyways my parents wanted to do anything I wanted, they have and always will be the best parents in theworld. Having Asian parents, this was super rare.

My parents never got enough time with me, as they worked full time.  My mum is trying to get a job  as a doctor, who had to study at a university,  before moving on with her career, as she knew that doctor's were paid more than other jobs.

I'd listen to my parents my dad would always call me otter, other than that, my dad would call me son and my mum would call me by my full name, Ottino. My dad hardly got angry at me but he only did once, he called me by my full name.

I was about average height, if I was 12 years old, I am 13 years old. I had hazel coloured eyes and yeah, I think that's all. Oh yeah, and I was Asian.

I got up from my bed and walked to the mirror. I brushed my messy short, black hair and changed into a simple black t-shirt that said practice on it and black jeans. I picked up my viola, which I wished was a violin, and walked out of my room.

Since my parents were working full time, I lived in my friend's house, my friend was hardly in the house because he had a lot of lessons to go to like volleyball, piano, violin, swimming lessons, singing lessons, dancing lessons, language lessons and a lot of other things.

His name was Joshua Ling (chinese name is ZhangWei Ling). I walked out of the house and saw a huge lorry in front of the house, blocking the sun. I moved towards the side and saw a familiar car. The viola teacher, Ms Via's car? The teacher never usually brought her car! It was usually Joshua's parents! Ms Via had brown, long, messy hair, a kind of wrinkled face and she had peach, reading glasses.

"Hey boy!" she spat.

Oh yep, she always called me boy, although I was a boy, I would much rather prefer my name, even Otter!

"You're coming through here!"


"That friend of yours parents disappeared."

"What?" I shook my head. Joshua. "It can't be..."

"Come on boy, we got lessons to do."

"Don't you care about Joshua's parents? Aren't you curious why they disappeared?" I tried not shouting as I panicked. I still cared about Mr and Mrs Ling, Joshua's parents, because they took care of me! Maybe they were nicer to me than to their own son! 

"Just get IN!" she snapped. I swear she could've snapped my ears right off because it was super loud. I stayed silent and slipped into the backseat of the car. I looked around my new surroundings. This wasn't like any coloured car I have been in. It was this maroon colour. The chairs, the car door insides, the 'ceiling' was all maroon, and she also had a sunroof.

We stayed in a awkward silent for the whole entire trip. The car smelt like lavender which I was okay with. We soon reached the viola teacher's house. Every student who had this teacher took their viola lessons at her house, which also smelt like lavender. She had a dog and a cat that would always made a racket when you were there. But she was a decent teacher at least. Unlike the fact she always gave 40 hour lectures of how to stand properly. Then if you played a note wrong, same thing will happen to that!

Journey to NerciaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora