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Flames. Red. Orange. 

"RUN" Screamed Dave. He pushed the chipmunks little bodies out the window as they flew across the air they sang "I'm on fiiire, fireball" emo version.  

Dave shed a tear as the chipmunks sang until they were out of his view. He looked at the window and it was too tiny for Dave. The door handle was hot so Dave was trapped. 

"HELP" He screamed. He slowly started to cry out of fear. 

Meanwhile, Ian escaped the building as he started to cough. The fire trucks were delayed for some reason. He looked around and couldn't see Dave. He suddenly heard a cry for help and recognized Dave's voice, his scream was so loud.

Ian sprinted towards the building. The flames didn't  reach the studio yet. 
"DAVEEEE IM COMING" He screamed as he ripped his shirt off for power.

He started punching the door in fear, it was getting hot. 

Finally the came undone. Dave looked up and wiped his tears, the two men ran out of the building just in time. 

Dave was sobbing from trauma, "T-thank you Ian you saved my life" as he sniffled. Ian glanced down, looking shy, "No problem." he said calmly. 

1 week later

"Oh come on Dave it's been a week already you don't need to keep bringing me stuff!" Uncle Ian stated in his rich mansion. 

"You literally saved my life. It's the least I can do." Dave said with a chuckle. The chipmunks stayed home to focus on some school work. 

"The studio is almost done being repaired" Dave sated after checking his phone from his email. Ian nodded with pleasure. 
"Do you want to come in?" He asked Dave. 

"Sure" He replied and they walked in together. 

Ian sat down on the couch first and Dave followed. Dave sat very very close to Ian, kissing distance. 

God he looks so cute right now  Thought Dave. After the fire Dave was basically falling in love with Ian every day. 

"Dave.." Ian said slowly. 
"Shhh" Dave said as he leaned in for a smooch. 

"Dave I can't!" He jumped. Dave let his puppy dog eyes look up at Ian's soulpatch. 
"Ian why???" He asked in distress. 

"I have a girlfriend." He said looking down in shame. 

"Calm down Dave, who said I even liked you?" He said with cold eyes. Dave felt like fainting. 

Dave looked around the rich house, he saw a photo of Ian and his girfriend. That is one ugly lady thought Dave in his mind. What a sad sad day. Dave wanted to be with Ian so bad, he wanted that soul patch all to himself. Of course, he was cursed. 

He slumped back to his home and found the chipmunks singing, 
"I like big butts and I cannot lie these other brothers can't deny" And he wanted to actually punch them but he hesitated because those are his boys!  

"I made meatloaf." Dave said in a depressed tone. Simon looked at Dave, calculating the sad voice but he just left it. They all sat down for dinner. 

"THIS IS SO GOOD NOM NOM" Screamed Theodore. Dave wanted to throw up.

Is this my life now?? Dave thought. 

Dave x Ian- RivalsWhere stories live. Discover now