~9~ Lies

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The door burst open as two big men wearing black t-shirts, they were Pitbull's security team. They looked a little short, around 3 feet tall. 

After they came in Pitbull himself walked in with a smirk on his face. He took of his sunglasses and said, "Hello gentlemen". Dave did not expect him to show up right now and panicked. 

"I-i had a little accident" Dave says. He runs out of the room and everyone looks weirded out...except Theodore. Dave takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself down. 

Should I tell Ian me and Pitbull have history? Dave thought in his head. This is a great opportunity for the boys... what if Ian fires Pitbull? Dave eventually concludes that it's best not to tell Ian. 

He walks back into the room and see the boys set up in the recording studio. Ian put on his DJ headset and began working the soundboard. Ian got his DJ training from the black market, he bought somebody to teach him how to play! 

The boys are working on a cover of WAP and Pitbull is sitting on the couch in the back. Dave feels his eyes on him... he tries to ignore Mr. World wide's gaze but he just can't! 

Dave sits next to Pitbull and whispers "Leave me alone." and Pitbull lets out a laugh. Ian turns his head so Dave pretends like he just said a funny joke and laughs along too. Ian gets back to work and Dave continues with the threats... 

"I mean it, this is my family and you better not do something stupid." He says. He gets up and gives Pitbull a friendly pat on the back to not cause suspicion. 

He sits down next to Ian at the soundboard. 

"Listen Dave, dinner at your house was..." Ian started but Dave interrupted. 

"Look, I know the boys can be a little hard to handle but they're my family Ian." Dave said. 

"No Dave, I was going to say I had a great time! Their... performance was..." Ian said and they both started laughing. 

The two start to focus on the boys singing and they hear Theo sing "Put this pussy right in your face" and Dave wanted to throw up. He looked behind him and saw Pitbull watching them...

"Hey uh Dave, why is he staring at us like that?" Ian asked. Dave shrugged. 

"I dont know I just met the guy." He said. Ian nods and shrugs as well. 

After some time it's time for lunch so the boys go to their favourite restaurant, Walmart! 

They all get in the car, even Pitbull is coming to dine with them. Dave drives Ian and his "children" while Pitbull rides in his limo. They get there and the rats run inside leaving the adults in the parking lot. 

They get out of their cars and stand awkwardly. 

"So.. Ian, are you sure it is okay for me and Dave to be working together?" Pitbull asks. Dave's eyes go wide. He looks at Pitbull with disgust and Pitbull begins to smirk. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be okay?" Ian asks, curious. He looks over at Dave and sees his reaction and immediately gets more serious. 
"Well? Spit it out."  Ian demands. 

"Okay listen Ian, don't freak out but... me and Pitbull had a thing...." Dave confesses, fidgeting with his long arm hairs. Ian looks at Dave teary eyed and walks away into Walmart. 

"Ian wait!" Dave calls but Ian sprints away into the store. 

"Dave... it is just us now.." Pitbull says and he presses Dave against the car hood, leaning in for a smooch but Dave pushes him off.

The scary thought reaches Dave's mind, will Ian ever forgive me? 

Dave x Ian- RivalsWhere stories live. Discover now