Chapter 7

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They almost didn't make it. In the end, Negan was practically carrying the young man, and even though he had always been big and strong sitting in a cell for so many years and taken it out of him. He was half afraid he was having a heart attack his chest hurt so bad from hauling this kid to an empty house. John tried to help but every other step he lost strength in his legs and almost fell to the ground forcing Negan to hold him up and skinny or not the kid got heavy pretty goddamn fast.

When they made it to an abandoned street they were forced to slow down even more as they checked out the situation. Negan took the opportunity to sit John on the ground so his hand could be free in case he had to fight off walkers. It also gave him a moment to rest and rotate his arm trying to get the cramps out of it.

They saw nothing. The community had done a damn good job of keeping walkers a good distance away from them and not letting them overrun any area. Satisfied they picked a house and Negan half-carried John up to the porch. He used the pommel of the knife to knock. He listened but heard nothing. He glanced at Theresa and nodded. She opened the door and they peered in at the gloom. She fumbled for her back and pulled out a candle which she lit and held aloft her face pinched as she studied the rooms in front of her.

"Could you hurry up?" Negan grunted.

She tossed an irritated look at him which dissolved when she realized he was carrying her brother like a man carrying his bride through the door. She hurried in and was pleased to see the living room window was boarded and there was a couch and chair and a fireplace. Negan tried to gently set the kid down and groaned softly, stretching his back and looking around. He motioned to Theresa.

"If you give me a candle I'll help you check upstairs."

She thanked him softly digging out another candle and handing it to him. He led her upstairs keeping his eyes open. Three doors greeted him, all of them closed. He jerked his head and she headed to the one at the opposite end of the hallway while he tapped the one closest to him.



Theresa tapped on the door and waited. There was no sound. She opened the door and a gust of air blew out her candle. She tensed. There was a gleam in the dark, gleaming eyes then something rushed her. She jabbed at it with the spear stumbling back. She managed to trip over her feet and almost fell to the floor when a strong arm wrapped around her catching her.

"I gotcha." Negan said calmly.

She found herself blushing realizing she was practically sitting on his thigh where he had scooted his leg between hers to keep her from falling. She heard him laugh softly. Damn the man he seemed to have a sense when it came to putting her off balance.

"Jumpy aren't you." He leaned down more and purred in her ear causing her to break out into goosebumps " It was just a cat. Just a little pussy."

She huffed " You can let me go now."

"Maybe I don't want to."

She twisted her head and realized he had pulled her up against him high enough that his mouth brushed her cheek. "Maybe I never will. Maybe I'll just keep you forever."

"Nobody lasts forever." She whispered letting the side of her face rest against his.His stubble tickled her and she had to fight to keep from rubbing her face against his.

She felt him grin that sardonic grin " You're right. Maybe just tonight then."

Suddenly he bit her ear lobe playfully.

The shocking thrill went through her making her gasp and twitch against his leg. Her nipples grew hard and rubbed against her shirt irritating her in a good way. When was the last time a man had suckled her anywhere? Had held her? Kissed her? A long damn time. Then anger flushed her cheeks as she remembered her brother was just downstairs. "Let go of me right now!"

"Are you sure?" Negan asked innocently " I mean it felt like you-Ow!"

He let go of her to back up rubbing his forehead glaring at the spear she had knocked his head with.

"Did you check that door?' She asked coldly. When he only smiled at her she walked to the door and knocked on it. When she opened it revealed itself to be a bathroom and was empty.

Negan glanced into one of the bedrooms " You'd best take him blankets and pillows. There's no way he's getting up and down those stairs and I'm not going to carry him up here."

She nodded and handed him her spear and a glare "Behave."

He laughed "Darlin that's no fun so I never do...but I'll be good while you set your brother up when you're done...well I don't promise anything."

She refused to let him see how rattled he made her. Where had that stoic control gone? Getting her brother to a safer place took a lot of stress off her and with less stress, she was able to concentrate on other things. Things she probably shouldn't be concentrating on.

When she got John set up he fell asleep exhausted. She hoped he'd be better in a day or two and they could go. It was hard to leave him but she knew if she was gone and Negan was gone Alexandria would hunt them down and she didn't trust them not to shoot her brother. It was even possible if they didn't shoot her they might use Negan's escape as a chance to get rid of him permanently. She didn't want that. Not when he had helped her.


When they were walking in the woods they took a slight detour in case they were being tracked. It was possible Judith hadn't been the only one to see her leave. When they came to a clearing they paused. Not just to check for danger but because it was beautiful. There was a long wooden board leaning against one of the trees covered in small fungus that seemed to glow. The mossy ground looked soft and dry. The moonlight filtered through the trees in ribbons and small white night flowers peppered the area.

Well, it was as romantic as he was going to find. Probably more comfortable and private than anywhere else. So he made his move.

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