Five - You Can Trust Me

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Word count - 1974

"Don't think I didn't see you with Captain just then." Pat said as Julian came back into the house.

"No, it wasn't like-" Julian started, trying to defend himself.

"You know you shouldn't ask about people's death days, it's rude and nosy and... just a horrible thing to do. I am going to tell Alison." Pat finished. Julian sighed, rolling his eyes.

"It wasn't like that, it was..." He thought for a moment, how could he explain it? He promised not to tell anyone how Cap died, and he also didn't want anyone knowing he'd actually been nice to him. "Just, hard to explain, but it wasn't what you think." He knew Captain was already in the house, so he lowered his voice for the next part. "Look, I know this is a bit random but do you like Captain?" He asked.

"Well, he can be a bit bossy and full of himself, but yeah I suppose." Pat answered, a bit confused. "Why?" He asked.

"Good." Julian said. He was now completely sure people liked Captain other than him, but how would he prove it? He put it to the back of his mind for now and went passed Pat to another room where Robin, Kitty and Mary were. Kitty was giggling about something or other and Mary was doing the same, although Robin looked like he wasn't quite sure what there was to be giggling about.


Captain found himself wandering aimlessly around the house. It had... touched him the way Julian had seemed to genuinely care about him. Maybe he wasn't really that bad. He heard everyone downstairs and decided to stay away from them, so he turned into another room that no one seemed to go in very often. It wasn't obvious why, it was quite a nice room really, if a bit empty.

"Hello?" A voice asked, coming from the floor. Captain rolled his eyes, letting out a small sigh of annoyance. "Is someone there?" Humphrey asked.

"Yes, yes." Captain replied in an annoyed tone as if he was being nagged.

"Would you mind finding my body?" He asked. Captain ignored him as usual and went over to the window. It may seem mean to ignore him, but it was a never ending circle. Every time anyone helped, he needed help again within another 5 minutes. It was just easier not to help in the first place. "I heard it was your death day today." Humphrey commented once he realised he wasn't getting help.

"Yes." Captain replied thoughtfully. Why did people keep asking about it? He left the room. He didn't want to be asked again, so he went downstairs to meet everyone because people probably wouldn't ask then.

"Why you laugh?" Robin asked as he entered. Kitty and Mary giggled together and the caveman looked confused. Julian was watching, trying to find out what was going on and Pat was just gazing around, before noticing the Captain enter. Julian glanced to see what Pat was looking at and he and Cap made eye contact for a second before Julian looked away sharply. Was that suspicious of him? He didn't know why, but every time Captain was around now, he felt a little bit of guilt and... another feeling. One that he hadn't expected would happen, not for Captain, and not really for any... man. He'd been with men in threesomes when the girl he'd been with at the time wanted to, and it had been all right, but he'd never actually felt anything like... this for a man.

Pat witnessed this, and, dare he say it, saw Julian blush a bit as he looked away? It was probably something else like his imagination, but it only occurred to him then that Captain might've actually told Julian about his death. Could that be possible? It was unlikely, why would Captain ever trust Julian with a secret like that? More to the point, why would Captain trust Julian and not him with a secret like that? Surely he was the most trustworthy? He had to find out. He went over to Julian when Captain was looking away and tapped him on the shoulder, before going to the side of the room with him:

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