Three - Death Day's Morning

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Word count: 1988

"So, morning announcements for today;" Pat said to everyone, standing in front of them all, "it's a Wednesday, meaning Alison will be working, so we need to stay out of her way." Alison smiled at him briefly in thanks. "Tonight is Mary's turn to pick the film, and clubs will be on from two to four. After clubs, I believe Julian will be giving one of his speeches."

"Yes, that's right, the first speech I made after leaving Cambridge and joining the-" Julian started.

"Now now, save it for later." Pat interrupted. "I think Robin also mentioned something about wanting to do food club today as he has something specific to talk about, so that will be later tonight instead of Saturday if everyone's okay with that?" Everyone nodded, and Alison smiled to herself vaguely; it was quite nice how the ghosts seemed to have such an organised and official timetable. "Also, I think Kitty wanted someone to play hide and seek with her?"

"Yes that's right. Be warned though I'm very good at it." Kitty said smugly, with a smile covering her face as always.

"I'll play." Mary suggested, putting her hand up a little.

"Thank you, Mary, that's very kind of you and highly appreciated." Pat thanked, earning a shy smile. "And I think that's it unless anyone has anything to add?" The Captain walked in, late for the first time in a while, and everyone looked up at him. They hadn't even noticed his absence. "Oh yes, and it's the Captain's death day today if I am not mistaken so everyone go easy on him please."

The rest of the ghosts mumbled things among themselves before they all got up and went away.

Captain briefly stood by the window, and he wondered whether Havers was also a ghost out there, somewhere. Then he wondered what had happened to the rest of the people he'd worked with. After a few minutes, though, he dismissed his curiosity and straightened his tie, out of habit, before making his way out the room to find where the rest of the ghosts had got to.

"No, no, no." Julian yelled in protest as Robin came towards him and Captain entered the room.

"You think me no talk good?" The caveman asked threateningly.

"I just said you wouldn't be good at speeches." Julian explained trying to sound innocent.

"I, Robin, I." Thomas pointed out, emphasising the caveman's mistake.

"What about you?" Robin asked, confused.

"Now everyone, I really don't think any violence is necessary here. I think Julian just meant-" Pat started, trying to make peace.

"He has a point though." Fanny put in, and Pat rolled his eyes at the interruption. "You really have no sense of grammar and a very small range of vocabulary." She continued, very matter-of-fact-ly.

"Guys, I'm trying to have breakfast here so, you know, be quiet." Alison said, and everyone stopped talking obediently. They all left the kitchen solemnly, and Julian mumbled something indecipherable. Then, they came out into the main room and Pat turned around.

"Right," he said, "there really was no need for that." He sounded like a teacher, but then again, he was a scout leader (or had been), which was a teacher in a way.

"Whatever." Julian said, uncaringly.

After that, Fanny, Pat and Julian sat down to talk about something or other, and Kitty, Mary and Robin went off into the garden to play their game, leaving the Captain unsure of what to do next. He wandered over to one of the windows, thinking about... things. Then his mind wandered to watching Mary attempt to count while the other two hid in what was pretty much plain sight. He thought that someone ought to teach them how to hide properly, like they would be expected to in the army, but he didn't want to be the one to do it since he would probably make it seem boring to them. He failed to notice when Alison walked in.

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