chapter 6

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when i got into the school it was about 8 am. since it was blizzarding out, it took a long time for the bus driver to drive to places. there was also traffic, and half of the roads in the city were closed.
*buzz buzz* i hear my phone.
"where are you? i didnt know we were playing hide and seek?" it was. text message from anna.
i ignored it and got a message 2 minutes later "ultimate hide and seek", a text again from anna.
she called me but i didnt bother to answer, i didnt want to fight with her for breaking her promise, at school.
my mom was wondering why jonna and anna were looking around the house. "she went to school, ladies" my mother said. my mom said anna's face was shoked and her chin dropped. "oh" she said.
"would you girls want some cookies while youre waiting for her to get back?" my mom asked. "sure" jonna said. when my mom left anna gave jonna a 'dude-why-did-you-say-that' look. "im leaving" she said.
"no, you could die out there!" jonna said. "you didnt want clair to go, and i dont want you to go"
"she isnt answering my texts or anything, she could be at the hospital. im driving to the school to make sure shes there, and shes okay" anna sassed her way out of my room, holding her winter coat and grabbing the keys to my mom's car. "im coming with you" jonna said. she swallowed her spit like she was risking her whole life for this, which she was. she started walking slowing towards the door and grabbing her coat. "HURRY" anna screamed. she jumped and ran to the car. anna started the car and drove off to make sure im okay.

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