chapter 2

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"hey... jonna. i miss you. long time no see" i types in. i regretted it though. it was so stupid. i saw her on friday. and today is saturday. i saw her last night at the karaoke club. so i erased it and typed "jonna!!!" then sent it.
she replied immediately and said "hi.."
"im sorry about what happened between you and evan" i said
"its okay, i saw him making out with rebecca last night after the karaoke club in the parking lot. i stood there and started crying." she sent
"come over!" i said
"okay, ill be there in a few" she replied back. then went offline.
its been an hour since i dmed jonna to come over and she still hasnt. anna and i walked out of the house to check if she is on her way.
"do you see her anywhere?" anna asks
"nope, how about you?" i asked back
"nah" she said "lets walk to her house. she only lives 3 minutes away"
"okay, lets get back in and change. also get your phone and stuff because we might ne staying there" i said
we ran back up the stairs and changed into our clothes. i wore joggers and a sweater. anna wore tights and a crop top with a scarf. she dresses so much nicer than i do. we grabbed our phones and some cigarette packages in case she was stressed out. we knew it was safe so bring those because her parents werent home. jonna was in 11th grade. we were in 12th. her parents said they dont let her smoke until shes in 12th. my parents know i smoke. and so do annas parents. anna also packed some weed. she said it was 'just in case'.
we got out the house and i locked the door. as we were walking to jonna's house, we found a picture.
"wait, clair look" anna said while poking me "its a picture of evan and rebecca"
"when was it taken?" i asked
"i dont know." she said
"read the back!"
she turned it around and it said 'February 5th 2014' that was last month. that was jevan's 2nd year anniversary. he told jonna he was sick. but now we know what he was actually doing. he was getting high with rebecca. it was a picture of them making out with evan shirtless. he looked really, uh. un-muscled. lol.
2 minutes later we made it to jonna's house. we knocked on the door and no one answered. but the door was unlocked. so anna and i walked it.

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