Chapter Three

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Alec sat on his bed, legs crossed, his head buried in his hands, as he tried to think of an explanation as when Isabelle would eventually bombard him will millions of questions as to why his eyes glowed silver, or the fact that he screamed and nearly brought the whole Jade Wolf down in the process. Thankfully he had some time to do so, as Isabelle was being questioned by their mother about why the Seelie's were on longer talking to the Clave, based on the information given to her by Meliorn. Slowly Alec started to feel a sort of stinging pain in his left shoulder. He lifted his shirt to see if there was any type of wound there, but there was nothing there to give any hint to where the pain was coming from. He started to rub his shoulder a little puzzled, Isabelle came into his room and Alec mentally prepared himself for the grilling he was about to get.

"Mom's in rare form today." She spoke walking over to her brother who wondered as to why she didn't just question him straight off the bat.

"She's been different since she got back from Idris." Alec replied, still rubbing his shoulder.

"If you say so. Same old judgmental Mom with me, what's wrong with your shoulder." Isabelle asked with a dull voice. Before Alec could answer their father, Robert Lightwood came into the room.

"No "welcome home" for the old man?" Robert said with open arms and Isabelle smiled and hugged her father. Alec saw his little brother, Max Lightwood run into the room.

"Max." He called out with joy as he moved off his bed and Max hugged him, both having a wide smile on their faces. "What are you doing back so soon?" He questioned as he parted from the hug.

"Got in trouble in Mumbai." Max stated as if it was nothing. Alec knew his little brother was quite the trouble maker.

"Oh, what'd you do?"

"Nothing." A grin spread across Max's face.

"He started a fire with his stele during rune studies." Robert answered, sounding angry with the boy.

"I told you, I was hungry. I was trying to draw the Nourishment rune."

"Those two runes look nothing alike Max." Alec smiled as he said this and ignored the stinging pain in his shoulder that was starting to grow.

"Well they do to me." Max defended.

"Max, go up to your room, open the Gray Book and look up the Extinguish rune." Robert instructed the boy who sighed and exited the room, but not before shrugging his shoulders to Alec who laughed a little. "Where is Clary Fairchild? Your mother said she's missing." Robert questioned.

"She's not missing. She's with Jace." Alec said going to Isabelle's side.

"We can't have that girl out of Institute control. The entire Shadow-World is looking for her. It's a security risk. Get them both back here now." Robert said with a stern voice before turning on his heel and walking out of Alec's room and Isabelle closed the door behind him as Alec sat back down his bed continuing to rub his shoulder hissing at the pain. Silence grew between the two Lightwoods as Alec refused to look at Isabelle, stood in front of him with her arms crossed and seemed to be channeling her inner inquisitor at this point. He sighed knowing he would have to start the conversation he had been dreading since the event at the Jade Wolf.

"Ask." He sighed and Isabelle dragged a chair over in front of him and sat down, looking at her brother with a soft gaze.

"What happened back there?" She asked in a quiet tone. Alec shrugged.

"I don't know." He mumbled. "I just saw the alpha die and I felt this pressure rising in my throat and I needed to scream. I don't know why." Alec explained, still rubbing his shoulder. Isabelle took notice of this.

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