11th Thing's 11th

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Julie and Alex are next to rejoin Reggie and me in the studio, and the four of us gravitate toward our instruments. Since Luke isn't back yet, I pick up his blue electric guitar and wrap it around my neck, figuring Julie can do just fine on piano but we're lacking a guitarist.

By the time we start rehearsing, we had already unanimously picked a song, and I'm even more excited to perform tonight because it's one I co-wrote, which means I know the song by heart already and helping Julie learn it will be a lot easier.

I sit beside her on the piano, the guitar hanging on my back, as I show Julie the correct notes to play. This one's a little more difficult since she has to hold at least four down at a time, but I'm more than positive she'll get through it easily and quickly.

I guide her fingers over the keys, "Yeah, D major, E, A, B. Release B and hit D major over here, then E. Awesome! Yeah, you got it."

Julie catches on quickly, and I go back to strumming on Luke's guitar, the four of us really just making sure Julie is OK with the song. We have to perfect this song in three hours, but I have no doubt Julie can get it down in less than two.

Halfway through a take, Luke poofs into the studio and lands in a chair, immediately shooting up when he sees Julie singing. He glances around at us, surprised, and Julie meets his gaze with a smile.

"Grab your guitar. We got work to do."

I lift his guitar over my head and hand it to him without hesitation, taking a seat and getting comfortable beside Reggie.

Luke chuckles nervously and grabs his instrument, slowly approaching Julie with a shy grin. "What made you come back?"

"I realized how important music is to all of us," she answers honestly. "And we've lost so much already. We can't lose this, too."

"Thanks. Alright boss, where we at?" A bright smile spreads across Luke's face, and it gets impossibly bigger, and slightly surprised, to what Julie says next.

"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday."

Darkness has fallen on Los Angeles by the time we stop rehearsing. We're all exhausted, but our excitement comes out victorious. Julie has retreated back into her house to get ready, and the boys and I are currently huddled in the studio.

Brimming with excitement, I help the boys coordinate their outfits for tonight, give myself a nice ghostly makeover, and rush up to Julie's room. I'm pumped!

Also, it's probably worth it to point out that if there's a line of red lipstick across my face, it's Reggie's fault. He was supposed to help guide me since we can't see ourselves in mirrors. Not that I would look any better if I had a mirror, but still.

"Julie!" I sing, hopping up the stairs and running right through her door, but my smile instantly falls when I see her in the same clothes as earlier sitting on her bed. "What's wrong?"

She's drawing on her microphone. "My dad, he..." But before she can respond, Reggie sticks his arm through the door and knocks.

Reggie, that's not how knocking works...

Julie's head jets up and I turn around. "What are you guys doing?"

Reggie sticks his head through and has the most smug expression I've ever seen. He makes an OK sign with his hand, "We're being classy." He grunts when Alex and Luke pull him back in, and Luke emerges carefully through the door. 

I think that's the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Luke heads straight for Julie, and Reggie and Alex come to stand on either side of me. "Why are you still here? We're going in, like, twenty minutes."

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