10th Thing's 10th

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"I have an idea!" Reggie shouts as we enter the studio. 

Alex and Luke's heads jet toward him, but I keep walking. At least someone else is coming up with ideas around here. I'm getting exhausted being so amazing.

"That's always dangerous," I mutter, checking my nails. Can they still grow if I'm dead? Can I still grow? Am I going to be an old lady ghost in sixty years? That'd be kind of cool...

"Julie sang to Flynn and it worked," Reggie says, the plan formulating in his head. 

I can tell because he has that weird thinking face. It's still cute, though. Anything he does is cute, honestly. Except when he ran his hand through his hair at the Orpheum the night we died. I don't know what that was, but I know I liked it...


"That means that if we sing to Julie, it's gonna work," he finishes, eyes wide as if he just solved the most difficult equation in history and showed up Einstein a hundred times over.

"That's a great idea!" Luke shouts. 

"We don't have anything prepared," Alex argues, and I give up. They really don't ingest anything I tell them, do they?

"We'll sing to her that we're sorry," Reggie says proudly. "Then she'll have no choice but to forgive us."

"You do realize, singing is still talking, right?" I try to reason, but they just blink at me in sync. "Julie wrote a song for Flynn from her heart and performed it. You guys are taking what you already said, which may I point out didn't work, and just singing it instead."

"Nah, it'll work," Reggie winks at the guys smugly, completely ignoring what I'm saying, yet again. Is it possible to donate braincells? Or possess other ghosts? That'd be super helpful right now.

The boys start warming up their voices while I watch them with crossed arms. As soon as they hear footsteps coming toward the garage, they get in position, filing behind Luke. I roll my eyes, hopping on the couch and deciding that this is a show I don't want to miss.

And to my amusement, it's only Carlos coming in to use the bathroom. The boys slump their shoulders and turn around, falling into a depressing huddle. When Carlos comes out, he pauses and sniffs the air, slowly turning and eyeing his surroundings but not staring at any of us in particular.

He licks his finger and puts it up to test the air. "The tinglies are back," he mutters before his stomach growls menacingly. He pouts and shrugs. "Stupid tummy toots," and he leaves us alone again in the studio.

Fortunately, the next person to find us is Julie, and the boys get excited again, standing back in formation as she walks through the wide double doors.

"We're sorry!"

"So sorry!"

"We're super, duper, crazy, stupid..."


"In case you missed it," Reggie breathes, his jazz hands having a mind of their own, "we're really sorry." 

I'm not sure if all that was sweet or painful to watch.

"Yeah, I got that part," Julie says, though she still looks frustrated with them. If only someone told them this wouldn't work. Oh, wait...

"We've been here for, like, three hours," Alex high fives Reggie, and I shake my head.

"We almost sang to your little brother," Luke confesses, hopping up.

"He comes in here a lot. Mainly to use the bathroom," Reggie tells her.

"Yeah," Alex adds. "It's not our favorite part of the day."

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