No homo

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I wanted some SaiOuma in this chapter so have SaiOuma with Shuichi confessing his undying love to an oblivious Kokichi LMAO

And um oops Kayayday says stinky f-slur and ig a little bit of homophobic things???? Sorry she is stInky personality so

Shes gonna go yeet from the gc prolly next chapter bc yeah❤


"War Flashbacks"
10:50 A.M.

Amvocando, 10ko, and 4 others have gone online.

Munsic: Hello

10ko: Hows classes going for you guys?! This is like,,,,week 2??????????? Idk but hows it going????

Makironi: Could be better..?

Benis: Oh, im not paying attenton at all!

Fuckin Simp: Honestly same

Fuckin Simp: Never thought id say that to her of all ppl but oK

10ko: Youre staring at Ouma arent you?????????

Fuckin Simp: What? Me? Staring at my beloved Ouma-kun during class? Pshh, nooo....👁👁💧

Amvocando: LIES!

10ko: We all know you like him,..,.,,,..,  ,

Benis: Nonsense! My Shuberry isnt a fag! Tell em!

Fuckin Simp: Yall here sumn? I cant hear bc of my g ay

Fuckin Simp: Technically im bi but still half gay so-


Benis: I can help turn you straight ;)

Munsic: Umm

Amvocando: Kaede wtf

Fuckin Simp: What.

Benis: LOL im kidding!!!!!!!! Just a joke guys! Chill out!

Fuckin Simp: Wasnt very funny.

Benis: Oh cmon! Yes it was!

Amvocando: It was not but ok

Little red riding hood and Babey3 have gone online.

Little red riding hood: Woooooo our teachers dead inside so she dismissed us for the day earlyyyy

Ok kinnie: Ouma zoomed out of class DTGRMDM

Ok kinnie: Nvm i know why but is a secret LOL bff tingz❤

Fuckin Simp: W?????

Little red riding hood: Im gonna bother Ouma till he comes online one moment

Babey3: Ill help.!

Little red riding hood and Babey3 have gone offline.

Benis: Hey Shuberry....? Can we meet up around 3? I have smth important to tell you!

Fuckin Simp: Whatever just leave me alone

Benis: Yay! You wont regret it i promise! Ill leave now, have to plan everything!!!!

Benis has gone offline.

Babey1 has gone online.

Babey1: Yumeno-chan, Yonaga-chan, p l e a s e,,,,,,

No homo...right? You didnt say it...Say it right now...SAY IT! | [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now