Chapter 3

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Mapleshade still felt shaken up after being marched out of Riverclan camp in such ruff fashion. The young specked warrior that trod next to her, Icefang, left his gaze on the damp floor. Awkwardly avoiding eyes contact with the traitor or the angered queen. Unlike his inexperienced clanmate, Splashfoot burnt with a determination and sacrificed scent. Clearly glad to get rid of the traitorous Appledusk.

Finally, the patrol had begun to approach the southern border. It was marked with a distinct line of large perfectly arranged green hedges. The thin layer of vapour in air had gotten caught among the hedges' leaves, like a spider's web, causing it to drip with fresh water drops. The disappearing sun's orange warm light reflected off of the water's surface, giving the whole row of hedges a shining gleam. Her neck fur clumped together with bewilderment, as she recognized the horrors that lay just beyond that those bushes. They weren't natural, they were created by Twolegs. Meaning they were being forced into the Twoleg place and the realm of kittypets.

Mapleshade watched the blades of long grass be swept aside as she moved through them. She turned her head, to look at the four territories for the last time as a Clan cat. As soon as they crossed that border, they were in exile and will have to live as rouges. Beyond the rocky plains of Riverclan covered with running streams and rivers; was Thunderclan territory made from dense woodland with endless undergrowth, next was the towering dark pines of Shadowclan and finally the long stretching heather-covered moors of Windclan that touched the horizon. Her body tightens up with sorrow, the full weight of the situation just starting to sink in. She felt Patchkit violently shivering on her back. He must of been looking at the same view and feeling the same thing. Poor thing...

"This is it.", Spiketail's words rang in Mapleshade's ears. The patrol had stopped in front of the Riverclan scent line, just stopping short of a foul-smelling twoleg place, already able to hear the large crashing sounds of monsters. Appledusk placed the curled up Petalkit gently at his paws as his deputy approved him. Spiketail showed clear signs of sympathy as he began to address the brown tom, "This is where we part ways. But before you go, know, I don't agree with Darkstar's decision. I know you meant well. And If I was the leader, I would have welcomed your kits into Riverclan.", the elderly cat took a slight pause for breath, "However she is still my leader and her word is the Warrior Code.".

Appledusk nodded, pleased with the deputy's kindful words, "I understand.". Spiketail's attention turned to Mapleshade, "Your kits have a strong heritage. Make sure you raise them well.". Mapleshade only responded with silence, unsure how to feel about it. Mapleshade noticed, Eeltail and Rainfall began muttering behind them, unimpressed. Spiketail seemed to take notice of it, too. "We've wasted enough time. Appledusk, you need to get going. Take your kits and leave Riverclan territory.", Spiketail instructed.

Appledusk opened his mouth but couldn't find the words, so just huffed, lifting the now dozing Petalkit off her paws. She was so tired, she didn't even bother to struggle as the cat, she distrusted, held her by the scruff. Mapleshade began to wonder if Larchkit and Patchkit were just as exhausted. As the pair of them turned their backs on the patrol, beginning to pad towards the border, several of cat started voicing their option behind them, "Good riddance!", Splashfoot rudely yowled. Mapleshade' ginger fur rose up like waves crashing against a stony shore. Oh, how she wanted to slash that cat's nose off.

Eletail joined in next, "Don't show your face here ever again!", proper hatred in her tune. Mapleshade struggled to ignore the comments as her blood boiled. She could even pick up her own anger scent. It was only what Spiketail mewed next, did Mapleshade managed to keep her emotions in check, "Good luck, both of you!". The young warrior, Icefang was about to speak but just in time, Spiketail's raised his tail to silence him. Any more comments were unnecessary. The patrol watched as the family wandered deeper into the unknown territories that lay beyond all the Clans. Satisfied, both groups went their separate ways.

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